Surreptitious pt. 1

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Stiles POV

"See you later babe. Take good care of the little bub while I'm gone." I bid my goodbye to Sofia and kissed her cheek and stomach.

Okay.. I know what you're thinking, 'What just happened?'. So, Sofia is my girlfriend that is having my kid. We have been together for almost a year now, 11 months and 2 weeks to be exact. She is 10 weeks pregnant and is healthy as I make sure she is.

The familiar tune of a message was heard as I was making my way to my dad AKA the sheriff's station.

"PACK MEETING 12 NOON." It came from Derek as he was the Alpha.

Glancing at my watch, I saw that the time is 11:30. So instead of going to dad, I decided to grab my lunch and proceed to our 'meeting place'.


As I arrived at Derek's old/burned house, only Scott was there with Derek obviously being there already. They are talking, more like arguing about something. Cursing my not-so-werewolf self, I try to be as sneaky as I can be in order to know what they are talking about.

"What? No!" I heard Scott said angrily.

"Scott. You know that it is the only way that we could do." Derek responded with the same tone.

As I have the best luck in the world, my phone rang. I scrambled trying to silence it and saw that it was a message from Sofia. 'Wrong timing babe' I thought.

Both heads turned to look where the sound came from and luckily I was already standing. They look at me suspiciously but I try to appear as if I've only arrived.

"Hey man." I said to Scott.

"Hey!" He only replied.

"Derek" I nod my greeting.

"You could stay in the living room while waiting for the others." He replied or more like commanded.

"Okay..." I walked away trying to eavesdrop again and be caught this time.


"As you all know kanima attacks have been frequent since Jackson. And there have been several deaths already."

Murmurs can be heard beside me while I was thinking about their conversation earlier.

"And as I told Scott, they are many of them in which we have to kill them or else more deaths will come." Derek continued.

"But we can save them. Killing them is not the answer." Scott argued. So this is what they've been talking about earlier.

"You know that there is no other way Scott." Derek gritted through his teeth.

Everyone in the room is arguing except for Lydia, dad and me. Yeah, I know, we humans are 'non-violent' people except for hunters obviously and also sensible.

"Okay. Guys, can you please shut up. Arguing is not the answer. It doesn't solve anything." I shouted.

Surprisingly, they listened.

"According to my findings, there are about 3-4 of them and it seems like they are like a pack which is strange seeing as kanimas travel alone." Allison explained to them.

Worry and grim can be suddenly seen in our faces. What she said is true, it is unusual for them not to travel alone.

"Maybe they only have one master." I said. "I mean that's the only possible thing that I could think of."

For the nth time, my phone rang. Seeing that it was Sofia, I excuse myself and went out with confusion in their faces. Yes, they don't know.

"Sofia, what is it? Is there something wrong?" I asked her.

"Can you buy me some pickles and chocolate on your way home right now? Please.."

"Of course. I'll be home in a few minutes."


"Sorry guys. I really have to leave, there's uhm.. some emergency about uhh.. dad!" I stuttered seeing as I am not good at lying. "Bye!"

I hurriedly went out with the same look in their faces, confusion and also suspicion.


Scott's POV

"That was really strange and suspicious at the same time." I muttered.

Everyone was looking, or at least I think so, at the door where Stiles exited.

"Okay guys. Going back to our topic." Erica said with a bewildered expression on her face.

We talked about what we are going to do about them seeing as they were right, we have to kill them or else more lives will be in danger. We talked about the different possibilities we could come up.


I talked to Stiles' dad about this so called emergency and to check on him. And did you know what he told me? There wasn't any emergencies and he didn't know what I was talking about. Stiles haven't even visited him. This is something I didn't expect him to do. He lied to me and everyone else in the pack. I'm going to find out your little secret Stiles. I am.


So here's the story that TheStoryBeginning suggested. I am sorry again for the delayed update.

I hope you like it all. If you want, you can give suggestions who you want the next stories to be about. Part two will be posted as soon as possible and also your other suggestions . You can comment them or message me if you want. Thank you again for your support and patience.


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