Lucky In Love?

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Derek's POV

I'm leaning on the door waiting for Stiles' class to finish. I know what you're thinking 'Derek's at school?!?'.

I decided before to go back to school, college to be more specific, for I haven't got a chance to finish a course. And it's because of my duties as a werewolf, as an Alpha.

"Class is dismissed." Thanks to my heightened hearing, I heard what their teacher said.

As soon as he went out, I slung my arm to his shoulders and led him to the cafeteria.

"So, what are your plans later?" I asked him after we'd gotten our food and sat down.

"I'm steew not soore." He said with his mouth full of pizza.

"If you would like, we could watch movies later at the living room all night." I suggested.

"What about school?" He asked.

"Don't worry, we don't even have classes tomorrow." I assured him seeing as he was so hesitant about the whole all night thing.

He agreed and even offered to cook our dinner before watching.

You see, the both of us share an apartment just near the school seeing as it was far from Beacon Hills. We decided to go here because they offer better education than back home.

As the bell rung, I couldn't help myself but be excited for later.


Here we are, cuddled to one another sharing a blanket and of course, eating popcorn. We are watching Van Helsing, ironic, isn't it?

Things like cuddling, hugging, holding hands and even playing with ones hair doesn't bother us. It all seemed to be natural, normal for us.

The movie ended quite early than what we expected and we've got nothing left to do.

"Stiles, you up for a party?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I think. Where is it anyway?"

"At Lydia's. Duhh.. She's the only one who throws a party at occasions like this, having no class the next day. Actually, eventhough there are classes."

"Okay. Let me just change."

After he went to his room to change, I also did the same. I chose a blue button up shirt with black jeans and sneakers. I went out of my room after checking my hair.

I waited at the living room for Stiles. He is wearing a white and blue long sleeve that fits him very well if I may add, and sneakers.

I drove while Stiles was looking out the window.


We arrived at the party where most of the people were already drunk. Some were making out intensely and were basically having sex with their clothes on.

We got some drinks and started to dance and have fun.

After a couple of drinks, games, and hide and seek (don't even ask).

"Hey Derek let's goo home." Stiles slurred obviously drunk.

I said my thanks to the host and drove the way back home.

As we arrived, Stiles was having a hard time going to his room so I aided him.

I lay him down and carefully changed his clothes as he was in no good condition to do so.

As I left his room, he grabbed my hand.

"Derek.. Don't leave me.. Don't. I love you.." He said as if having a dream, a nightmare.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. He loves me?? Stiles also loves me?? Whoa.. I can't believe it..

"I won't Stiles.. I won't.. I love you.." I told him softly. I kissed his forehead and lay beside him thinking about tomorrow, about us.


Hey guys.. I'm so sorry for the late update.. I've been busy with school and everything.. But here it is for now..

About your requests, I'll try to write it as soon as I can.. Thanks for your support and patience..


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