Summer Specials

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This is not the story that I told you guys about. BUT, think of this as a treat from moi for being gone about a month. So, enjoy! :))

Stiles' POV

"Man! Exams are finally over.. The last was a killer one." Scott complained all through out the way to my jeep.

"It wasn't that difficult though." I commented.

"Yes it is."




"Are we seriously doing this again?" We both looked at the newcomer which is Isaac, as he walked to us with both of his arms raised.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Smart ass."  He childishly stuck his tongue out at me while I pretended to be shocked that he dared to do so. He then laughed.

"As I was saying," Scott looked at me pointedly while I raised my eyebrows in return. "How about we celebrate tomorrow? You know the whole finally-the-hard-part's-over thing."

"That would be great but I.. Uh.. Already saved it for someone." I said not really looking at them, afraid that they might see the slight blush forming.

"Aww.. Stiwee is growing up, having a date with his boyfriend and leaving his friends behind. Sniff sniff.. He is gonna leave us. Isaac, my best friend is leaving me" Scott exaggerated, obviously trying to make me feel guilty and join them.

"Whatever Scott. It's not gonna work." I rolled my eyes at him. "Besides, you've already known this for quite a while now."

"Yeah, babe. Remember?" Isaac told him and held his hand.

Scott just nodded.

"Besides, why don't we have our own date instead?" Isaac suggested adding a wink at the end.

I gagged, both of them narrowed their eyes at me. I raised my hands as a form of surrender.

We arrived at my jeep with both of them not so far behind me. They are having a 'moment', if that's what would you call a make-out session. Me being me, decided to give them a minute or so before honking. They then sat at the back.

"No smooching here. Understand?" I more like commanded.

"Yes, sir!" They replied accompanied by a mock salute.

I dropped them off at Scott's house as a routine. Isaac practically lives there anyway. They are so lucky that Melissa is a wonderful woman and accepted them. My dad is btw, also an understanding man for accepting his son and boyfriend (after a little bit of shock, tears, hugs and a threat to Der's manhood).

'Hey Der-bear! What to pack?' I texted him seeing as he wanted the whole thing to be a surprise and won't tell me a single thing about where we are going. 

'Something warm. Duh? It's summer Stiles already.' He replied not so long after.

I rolled my eyes. Nice to see he still have that humor of his.
'Whatever Der. See you tom. Night :*'

'Nyt. Sweet dreams Stiles. See you tom :)'

With that final message, I slept with a smile on my face, thinking about tomorrow's plans.


"What?!? No, Derek"

"Come on, Stiles. Don't ruin my surprise."

"No! I'm not wearing that stupid blindfold. How cliché can you be?"

"Come on, Stiles. I promise it will be worth it. And don't you love me?" Ugh.. Not that stupid puppy eyes, he knows that it works every frigging time.

"Urgh.. Whatever." I mumbled not being able to resist his adorableness.

What feels like an hour, I felt the car being put on a stop. He was immediately at my side as he guided me to where we are going. Seeing as I am visually impaired at the moment, I had no choice but to follow.

"We're here. Just give me a moment." He said with a tint of a smile in his voice.

He finally gently removed the cover in my eyes. I squinted, adjusting at the sudden brightness. When my vision is finally cleared, I took in my surroundings. We are in a resort. There are jet skis, boats, mini fountains and huts. The pool is also huge like really huge. 

"Wow. Derek. This is amazing," I said, captured by the beauty that is surrounding me.

"See? I told you it was worth it."

"Thank you." I said feeling overwhelmed.

"You're welcome." He kissed the top of my head. "So, are you going to stay here and ogle or we're going to our room?" I only nodded.

As we reached our room, it's even more beautiful and so huge. There are also flower petals found in the bed and in the tub. This must be a honeymoon suite. He must have spent a fortune here.

"Come on, Stiles.. Let's head to the beach. I have something for you."

"Awe.. Derek.. I don't how to thank you for all of this." He set up a picnic for both us, the whole blanket, huge umbrella and picnic basket thing with food of course.

"You could..." He said followed by a suggestive grin.

I leaned forward to kiss him but decided to place it on his cheeks.

"Haha.. Your face is so priceless." I laughed so hard, clutching my stomach. He looked dumbfounded. He then looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Awe. Derek.. I'm sorry baby."

"Oh! Stiles.. You're going to pay." He singsonged.

My eyes widened, I took that as a sign to run for my life. He, being a werewolf would catch me soon.



"I'm coming Stiles.. 3"

I squealed, trying to increase our distance. But to no avail, he immediately caught me. He carried me towards the water.

"Derek! Don't you dare!" I warned him while also trying to escape.

"Sorry baby. Payback's a bitch." He smirked.

"No... Aahh."

We fooled around the whole day, having breaks once in a while to eat the food he brought. The whole day's been fun especially with Der being here. And I could tell, this is gonna be an awesome vacation. What a great way to start summer!


So, you like it??? I hope so..  Anyways, I'm still open to suggestions, you can send it to me or comment it here.. Thanks again guys.. For everything..


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