Completely Over

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Allison's POV

It's been months since Scott and I broke up, since I've last seen Beacon Hills. I've missed my life being just me, being single which gave me a breather.

Lydia was the only person that I've kept in touch with. And I was not surprised seeing her at the front of my house waiting for me.

"Allison! It's been a long time." She said while hugging me.

"I know." I mumbled in her hair.

"So tell me about your vacation, found any cute boys?" She asked, eager to fish information out of me and catchup.

"Actually, there are a lot." She opened her mouth to ask me more about it but I stopped her. "But, Im not interested at any of them. No boy drama for now." I told her immediately.

"Ah. You no fun." She pouted at me.

We've been talking the whole time when I got home. Tired from all the talking and traveling, I headed to my bed to take my long awaited rest.


School starts today and I haven't left my bed yet. I felt so nervous about facing Scott that I consider not going to school.

My father, Chris, enters my room. As soon that he saw my face, he immediately went by my side.

"If you want, you can stay here at home and I can tell your teacher that you're sick." Dad said while comforting me.

"I'm fine dad. Besides, I'm still going to see him whether I like it or not. It's bound to happen." I said to him and at the same time to myself.

I kissed his cheek and said goodbye. I went to my car and drive to school.


I head to my class as soon as I had arrived. Seeing as it was still a little bit early, I decided to take a nap.


I felt someone shaking my shoulders to try to wake me up.

"Hey.. Wake up, the class is about to start."  He said.

I looked up and observed my surrounding. He's right.

I straightened my posture and braced myself for a very boring day.

"I'm Isaac by the way." The boy who woke me up introduced himself.

"I'm Allison. And thanks." I smiled at him in which he smiled back.

The bell rung signalling the end of class. It wasn't as boring as I thought it would be, it was mainly because of Isaac though.

As Isaac and I were walking to our next class, I saw Scott. He also looked at me surprised that I was already back. I don't really know what to do. I mean, that's my ex and my first love. I just settled for a smile and try not to run back to the room.

Isaac looked at me questionably as I entered breathing deeply. I just shrug and took a seat next to him.


I nervously made my way to the field where the lacrosse team is practicing. Scott and I had economics together and wrote me a letter that we should talk during or after his practice.

I sat down at the bleachers and waited. Someone sat beside me.

"Allison." Scott said softly.

I just stayed quiet giving him the opportunity to talk.

"I know that I told you that I am going to wait. I'm really sorry but for the months that you weren't here, I found somebody. We really clicked you know." He said with a smile on his face. "I just wanted to know that I am always here for you even if we're not together. You were a part of my life and still are, I don't want to lose you." He continued as a tear dropped in his eye.

I didn't even notice that I, myself, am also crying. I mean, how could I not? It's my fault that we broke up, I asked for it but I really still do love him, I realized it now.

"Scott, it's fine. I understand. I really do. But I just want to go home right now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I stood up not giving him time to respond then went to my car.

I sobbed there quietly. I guess that we really are over. I guess I should start moving on and forgot about him in that way. It would make everything easier.

I just hope that the ache in my heart will go away soon.


Hey guys!!! Sorry for the late update.

I know that I said that it's going to be ALLISAAC but I changed my mind and made it to SCALLISON instead..

And also, I know that you noticed that I've been writing sad endings. It's  just I want to keep things somehow realistic by not having happy endings all the time, so yeah. I hope you still liked this story.

If you do, you can Vote and Comment your suggestions what ships you would like to read and I'll dedicate that chapter to you.


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