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Fallon was sitting on a rooftop. Anyone that looked at her would assume that she lost someone but that wasn't the case at all. She was broken beyond repair and it was all his fault. Her attempts to fix herself were rendered useless in any case. Sleeping with men she'd never met, doing drugs she'd stolen from others, drinking more and more with each passing day. It seemed to be that she was destroying herself and she'd had enough of it. She'd had enough of the flashbacks, enough of the PTSD, she was done. Now all she needed to do was get revenge and she would. Standing up, she turned toward the stairwell going down to the parking garage, getting her gear set up before she popped a trunk and jumped in before closing it. Waiting and then she heard the dogs, the buyer threatening to feed him to the dogs and then him, instantly anger fuelled her but she kept her calm until she heard gunshots causing her to jump out of the trunk and started attacking them. Seeing the Batman Copycats almost made her laugh but she didn't then the real Batman showed up
"Nice of you to join the party" Fallon greeted
"I'll deal with these guys; go get Crane" Batman said, Fallon then went to the edge of the balcony waiting for the van, once it was in position she jumped and flattened its roof, she jumped off the van, pulled the door opened with all of her strength and then grabbed Crane by the shoulders, taking him to her hideout

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