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"So, you're saying that I made you a crazy person?" Jonathan questioned
"Yes. I was perfectly fine until you locked me in that basement with him" Fallon said and Crane laughed
"Jesus Christ! That's hilarious" Jonathan said and Fallon sighed before grabbing her gun, checking to make sure it was loaded and aiming it at him
"You gonna go for that? The whole maybe if I make her laugh, she'll change her mind bit?" Fallon questioned
"My toxin as developed as it is wasn't meant to make one insane, it was meant to make one feel insane" Jonathan said. You could almost see the gears turning in her head but that wasn't going to stop her plan
"Really? The last I heard was Falcone tried to kill himself after he came in contact with your toxin" Fallon said and Jonathan scoffed
"It was undeveloped then, I assure you it's past its development stages" Jonathan said
"And that's why you're selling it to the Joker and the wannabes" Fallon said
"What makes you think that I'm gonna let this happen?" Jonathan asked and Fallon smiled
"That's easy. I know exactly where Ra's Al Ghul and the rest of his pathetic army is and I also know that they're your suppliers, if you could manage to continue to make your toxin then easily enough I destroy every sample you have left then I leave you to be beaten to death by the rest of Gotham" Fallon said
"Fucking chickens" Jonathan muttered hoping she didn't hear him
"Now, you better be damn sure on what you say next. One wrong move or word and I'll have your pretty little head rolling around the floor. Understood?" Fallon said cheerfully though it didn't seem as though she had heard him. Jonathan then got thinking if she's not sound of mind then could he could use this to his advantage
"Yeah, I understand" Crane agreed
"Can I fix it?" she asked. She was vulnerable, with many cards to play but Crane knew there was almost nothing that could fix her now
"Fix what?" he asked
"My mind. I can't even think anymore. He's just always there" Fallon said
"A good start would be to tell me who exactly he is" Jonathan said
"I can't. But don't you think you can be all therapisty. You lost that right" Fallon said
"Look, whoever this guy is, he obviously has a hold on you and you're refusing to let him go or he's not letting go or both but it doesn't matter just let go" Jonathan said
"There's no harm in telling you now; this is going two ways" Fallon said
"Alright" Jonathan replied
"Joker, he was my legal guardian when I was younger and I guess I never really got over everything that went down. Bats had me declared legally dead but even then there's that small possibility that one day I'll wake up and he'll be there" Fallon said solemnly
"Wow. That sucks" Jonathan said
"Anyway. You're selling him toxins, right?" Fallon asked
"Yeah. But that fucker hasn't paid me back in like six months" Jonathan said
"You know what. I'm gonna help you out and then I'm gonna kill you, that's cool, right?" Fallon said
"That's...awesome" Jonathan said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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