The Basic Love Story (1/3)

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Ok so I'm a Varsity cheerleader for my school and I happen to like a Varsity football player so I'm like, Betty was a cheerleader and in the flashback episode
cole/jughead/young FP look hot in that letterman jacket so here we go

Betty's POV
I was in for a long night. It was Friday and the first game of the new football season was next week. Cheryl has been busting the Vixions asses trying to make our routine perfect. It also doesn't help that I'm a shy nerdy girl who also happens to love cheering so Cheryl and her minions make it very clear that I'm an outsider, but there is a perk. I get to see the hottest person alive on the field ,my crush, Jughead Jones whose twin sister, Veronica, is on my squad and loves helping Cheryl torment me.

He's my total package, smart, funny, great hair, tall, brilliant eyes, and also his physical features aren't bad either, don't judge me I'm a 17-year-old in high school. Anyway, not only is he a football player but he works with me in the Blue and Gold Newspaper. We are kinda close but not as close as I want to be.

I'm currently stretching while talking to my bestie Toni when the HBIC blows her whistle signifying an announcement.
C "listen up my Vixions, Principle Weatherbee wants the Vixions and football players to do a partnered routine during the first game as a way to quote on quite mix it up. So head to the field now"
Once we were there the players were lined up and my eyes found jugheads and I instantly blush, while Toni nudges me in the arm smirking.
C "alright now that we are here, we will draw names out of a helmet to pick our dance partners and I of course will be going solo so Ronnie will write down all the names and the players will select which Vixion to dance with."
Half the players have already picked with Veronica getting Archie, Toni getting Munroe aka Mad Dog, and me not picked yet. Now it was Jugheads turn. He reached in and pulled out a paper, looked at it, then smirked.
V "dear brother who is the lucky girl"
J "Cooper, let's hope you dance well"
I freeze and everyone is silent. I almost laugh at Veronica's face. I walk over to jughead and we just stare at each other, this should be an interesting two hours.

There is a lot of complex partner work, so once we finish the routine jughead asked if I want to go to his house tomorrow at 12:00 to practice. Of course I agree, probably smiling like a dork.  After our joint practice the vixions head to the sideline to work on cheers and the players tackle each other in a mock round. After another brutal hour of practice we are finally free. The rest of the Vixions leave while I head to the Blue and Gold. On my way their Jughead catches up with me
J "Hey Cooper, wait up
B "what's up Jughead"
J "I wanted to know if you can proof read something for me?"
B " yeah sure,"
Once we make it to the B&G he gets out a history report and hands it to me.
B "Jughead you know I'm fine proofing something but your one of the best writers I know, why do you need me to proof it?"
He smiles and looks away from me
J "ok fine, you caught me, I just wanted to hang out with you, but didn't know how to ask."
I smile
B " you could have asked to go grab Pops, I'm starving after that practice."
J "alright then, after you m'lady"
He opened the door and bows like a gentleman

We head to pops and end up talking for a few hours. We got there at 6:45, and he walked me home at 11:00. My curfew is 12:00, so when I walked up stairs I found my mom watching TV in her room. My dad wasn't home because he got called into the office. I passed her room to see her smiling really wide.
A "sooo, how was your date with Jughead!?"
B " it wasn't a date, it was two friends grabbing food after a brutal practice, good night mom"
A "mhummm, good night sweetheart"
I close my bedroom door and am greeted by my cat, ginger, sleeping on my pillow. I move her gently and get ready for bed, excited for tomorrow.

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