Ending 2 Love

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Bettys POV
I have had a busy year. After a long bus ride I was in my new home. I saw a diner called Happies and noticed it was open 24 hours. I walked in and was seated and meet my waiter. He looked about my age and gave me a look of pity. I had been crying for ours since my eyes are bloodshot. "Your not from here are you?" "Is it that obvious." "Well here everyone knows everyone and I don't know you, can I sit?" I nod and he sits across form me. "I'm from Riverdale, I left to start new, also I'm Betty." "I'm Alexander and I hope you find what you need, but I can tell one thing you need." "What's that?" "A friend."

We spent the next hour taking and for me eating. He told me his friend Ruby was in search for a roommate and he thinks I should meet her, so he takes me their. Ruby was very nice and we got to know each other and by the end of the night I agreed to move in with her. It was either her or the street so I chose her.

After a few days I was all packed in Ruby's and mine place. But I noticed I was not myself. I was getting sick, then eating way more than normal, also a big indicator was I was 2 months late. I was avoiding the inevitable. Jughead and I had always been so carful but I guess not cause later that day the doctor confirmed I was 3 months pregnant.

On May 15 at 4:03am Juliet Marie Jones was born. She was my new ball of light in my dark world. She was so much like me and her father. She ate like no other and at an early age she took a liking to books and started writing early. On her first birthday I gave her a symbol of safety and love, a copy of jughead's beanie. She never takes it off, not even on the bath. JJ was kept a secret because I was fearful that she would be taken form me. She's all I had left as a reminder of my past and I was not about to let her go.

I was giving JJ her bath looking at the beanie on her head, now matter how much it hurts I still love Juggie. I know I shouldn't but I can't control it. I herd my phone vibrate and I saw Alex was calling. "Hey Alex what's up...... what.....he's not....... ok wait what.....no I'm not leaving.........yes I'm serious....bye.

I can't believe it their here, but why? I finish JJ's bath and get her dressed. Once she's dressed I put her in her car seat and we head to Happies. Once we got their I see Jughead about to kill Alex when I step out and he stops. I see everyone else looking at JJ while Jughead is focused on me. After all this time he can still make me melt

After that scream match I went inside the dinner with JJ. Jughead soon came in still a look of shock on his face. "This is my daughter?" I nod not being able to look at him "why didn't you tell me!?" "Oh I'm sorry I would have but you were to busy screwing that blond bitch!" He face fell and the look of shame came. "Betty, we were wrong, I was wrong." "Why?" He just stares at me. "Why did you do it, why did you cheat on me?" His eyes are glossy like mine. "I don't know, she came to my house crying at something and I was trying it be nice then next thing I know your standing in my room." "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would steal her away from me and raise her with that bitch." He looks shocked. "What you replaced me so why not take the only thing in my life that matters." "Betts, I would never do that!" "Please come home, please I want the chance to have you back, I fucked up really bad and I came here to apologize for everything." I stare at him. "Give me one good reason why I should leave." "Because I'm their and so are your friends." "They are not my friends, and you don't deserve me, however no matter how much I try to hate you I can't, but I don't trust you." " you can earn my trust back by being my FRIEND." He looks relieved

"I'm not moving back to Riverdale, I'm staying here, but in time maybe I'll movie back." He nods understanding. He soon moves here so he can earn my trust back. That told me her was serious, but I still wasn't ready. He loved JJ and I let her see him now. After 5 years I finally was able to trust him again and he and I are happy together. We are a family.

Not my best work I'll admit that, but happy I got this done. Next couple of oneshots will me a mini with 2-3 parts.

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