"It was just a Fight"

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The House erupted in nothing but yells as well as curses

A fly flew by in the House, landing on the wall and crawling upward. But, it stopped as someone stepped out the door

"Where do you think you're going!"

The girl kept her head high and brows furrowed as she strutted out the bedroom door, suitcase in hand "Leaving, what the hell does it look like"

The Male stepped out as well, swinging the door and making the fly float away "You're just going to leave? And where would you stay? This is your Ho---Anywhere but here, I don't want to see your face"

The Male froze for a second, his chest felt as though it was binding itself together at her words. He reached out for her "(Y/n), you can't be serious" Said girl went to the stairs and rushed down.

He went right after her, trying to get her to not leave "(Y/n), please---Look.." She opened her door and looked back at him as he stood there with a saddened expression "..I just need a break. That's all..."

She stared at him, her own face falling, and then shook her head. She couldn't go back on her word. She closed the door and looked to the sky. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes before going to where her Car was located.

The Male watched her as she left, soon putting his forehead on the door and letting out a sigh


A knock was made on the door. A small 'coming!' was heard as well as rushing. The door was unlocked and then opened to show the red head as he stared at the girl with a bright smile as he spread his arms in excitement "Minx-Chan!"

(Y/n) suddenly wrapped her arms around Laito, the Vamp going stiff. Once eh heard her sniff he slowly shut the door and pat her back "Shhh...Sh.."

The Male had guided her to his couch, making sure she was dry and warm. It had been a few years, not a lot. They all had homes of their own and lives to live. I mean, the Brothers went their separate ways. Trust me, some of them are upset about (Y/n) and Reiji being together, some just try to be proud or whatever


He passed her a smug and sat down next to her "What's wrong? Did Reiji-Kun hurt you?" (Y/n) shook her head "Not Physically..."

Laito clutched his mug tighter "Physically.."

(Y/n) lift up her hand and shook her head "Calm down, Lai. It's ok. I'm fine" Laito narrowed his eyes before standing and patting her head I'll take you on it, then. You are more than welcomed to stay here, believe me" (Y/n) smiled up at him and sat her mug down, standing and hugging him "Thank you, Lai.."

Laito chuckled and hugged her as well, rubbing her back "Of course, Minx-Chan"


Ding Dong

The red head sipped his drink before he hummed and went over to the door with a smile. (Y/n) was upstairs and he was downstairs. Once he gotten to the door, he looked through the blurred window before scowling. He knew exactly who it was.

Who else wears a dark coat in the middle of Summer

He unlocked the door and opened it, a frown on his face as he was dressed in his dark green silk robe. The Male before him looked disheveled and torn, the fuck, apart. It had only been four weeks!

Reiji stared down at his Brother with dark circles under his eyes "Where is she?"

Laito looked down at his cup, swinging it softly before taking a sip. Laito smacked his lips and then looked up "Minx-Chan isn't here, she's---Lai, do you know where the Bobby pins are?"

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