Blonde #3? Right?

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"I didn't think you would eat it!"

"You're lucky you left me some food but, fuck you!"

The long strides of the oldest Brother came in. He soon opened the doors and looked inside to see the short Female chasing around his blonde Brother with a broom

He sighed as he watched this. But, he then saw the reason

There, on the table, sat a styrofoam container with the Hibachi inside that they had eaten last Night

And now, he understood what happened

Kou was trying to eat her food. Most likely after eating his own. What a shame

"Stop it"

(Y/n) froze for a moment and then stood up straight while crossing her arms. Kou, lifting a brow at this, cautiously stood as well and moved away

Ruki stared at them both and then shook his head, going between them to pass. (Y/n) grumbled and sat the broom down before bucking at Kou, making the blonde yelp and scramble away


She looked towards Ruki as he stood at the door, facing her way. He had this look in his eye. A tough one...

And just like that, she was following him to where he was going.

Kou stared at her back as she did so, she even closed the door!

"So....It was Ruki.."

Azusa stepped in front the other door while Yuma popped in from behind a curtain. They went over to Kou as he lowered his stare at the door "Must've. Why else would she be acting so strange.."

He let out a huff as he stood

"I wonder what Ruki-Kun did to make her act this way.."


The girl sat next to Ruki by a tree. She had her eyes closed while he dragged his fingers through her hair to his best ability. It was a little too curly today..

Ruki, however, was staring out into the woods. He was staring at something that gladly stared back at him

It had a strong scent

It gave off a violent aura

And it's dark green eyes were covered, dripping in hatred


He looked down as she gave him an expecting stare "...I, uh.." She glanced down and felt the grass "I was wondering.."

"When can I take this off?"

Ruki looked down to the collar she was wearing, his face turning pale "...."

"When was this?"

The girl shrugged and puffed out ehr lips as she looked to the side "I don't know- Felt like it was needed"

Ruki's demeanor fell even more to disappoint as she jingles the bell on it "Look! I'm a Cat!"

He let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead, turning away from her. She was a piece of work. But, he supposed he could keep up with it


(Y/n) furrowed her brows as she stared at her.

She was focused and trying her best to understand her even though she was doing noting but standing there. But, the girl had soon noticed a glare and looked behind her before freezing

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