Recap? Shoot, IDK-

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(Y/n) felt him sit his hands on her cheeks and then pull her in

And, soon, she felt those soft lips she hadn't felt in a long time

Yet, they were planted on a different spot. Her lips

And it took nothing but a snap of a second for her to kiss back. And all with a smile. Ah, she missed this. She missed his hugs, his smell, just...

She missed him


Her Best Friend

Or would a different name come into play soon? We'll just agree to see soon

Laito moved his head closer but, she chuckled and moved her head. She looked up up him "Not you kissin' me on my Birthday"

The red head shrugged "Nothing wrong with that, I had to. After all, we have a few plans to do"

The girl watched as he held her hand and took a step back "My Minx.."

Her eyes went wide as he took a knee, smiling up at her. This gained the attention of many around around. Bystanders and Animals alike.

Even the three Brothers

Laito gave her a soft smile "Would you do me the honor..."

"Of going to the Dance with me, my Sweet Mon Cherí"

(Y/n) tilted her head and laughed "You didn't have to make a whole scene, Lai!" Laito laugehd back "Well, you wouldn't have said yes if I didn't!"

What a classic, he was forcing her to say yes! Classical Laito

(Y/n) then nodded and clutched his hand "Yes, you Dumbass"

And that's that's clapping invaded their ears. And Laito stood and hugged her tightly. Ah, he loved making a scene and doing it this way made it even better

"Aw, how sweet!"

The girl looked back while Laito began to frown. He looked upward and ahead to find the blonde Mukami smiling at him as his other two Brothers followed with him "Look at that, the sleazing Sakamaki asked her out before any of us could"

(Y/n) went to turn around but, Laito kept her close and forced her to face him and keep close to him. Laito narrowed his eyes as Kou tilted his head "Is he being quiet or am I hitting a nerve"

Laito soon smiled before standing straight "Well, can't expect anything else new from a half breed. Always one to beg for attention" He then gave him a teasing look "Made any new sales for your shows lately, or are you still failing as an Idol?"

Kou scowled at him, his face falling as quick as ever. Azusa took a step to him, reaching up for the girl "Can I....Can we see her.. Please?"

Laito stared at Azusa with the most dead expression ever. He wasn't one to share his things

...I could've sworn I've said that shit before. Fuck, I'm runnin' out of ideas-

(Y/n) pat Laito's chest and then moved away a little, smiling up a him "It's ok" Laito stared at her face and showed each and every emotion of doubt. She shook her head as her face fell. So, she looked back to Azusa and smiled "Cinnabun, what's up---Cinnabun?"

She looked up to Laito as he gave her a saddened look "Oh, my Minx....You know.." She shook her head and pat his chest "I know. I know.."

She then inhaled and smiled "It's alright, Azusa. We'll go out to eat next! Maybe Hottie can meet us up there"

Yuma lift a brow "You mean 'meet us there'"

(Y/n) glared at him "I know what I said, Boy, don't correct me"

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