Gamer boi

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(Y/n) skidded in the hallway to her friend with a bright smile. He turned to look at her and stopped her once she almost tripped on air. As she steadied herself she lift up a flyer to him.

"Their giving away Jump Force for fucking free! Free! And on Xbox! I have a fucking Xbox!"

As her eyes sparkled, Reiji shook his head at her logic and walked forward, (Y/n) coming with him. "And this concerns me, how?" (Y/n) smirked "Glad you asked, Pigeon" He glared at her at his nickname "I'm inviting you over to play it with me"

He looked at her for a moment longer, a deadpan present. Did she really think it was a great idea to invite a Vampire to your home?

"I honestly question your sanity"

"On God?"

"Rei...Reiji! Wait, don't leave meh!"


As (Y/n) got ready to do her combo with (Jump Force Character), a new character popped up on the screen, making her blink in surprise.

It was Garaa

Wait...Is that his special move?

She didn't have Garaa...

Her eyes went over to Reiji as he leasured back and let the massacre play out, (Jump Force Character) perishing by Garaa's move. (Y/n)'s eyes widened "No...No, no, no, no! Fuck you, Reiji! I thought you didn't know how to play video games!"

Reiji smirked at her and sat the controller down as the game ended. (Y/n) cursed under her breath "Never trust the nerd types.." Reiji sent her a look while she looked away and laughed. He crossed his arms and thought about picking a new game. (Y/n) actually got him to change his clothes up a bit but he only took off his coat and vest, just his button up and tie. She saw the snow outside and softly smiled, remembering what season it was. "Christmas is comin' up.."

She faced her friend and walked over "Say, Reiji-Kun" She hopped up, not like an actual jump, dont worry, and landed on his lap. She placed her hands on his shoulders with that same look "What type of thing would you want for Christmas?"

The magenta eyed male boredly stared back at her "...Who asks what the person wants for Christmas when you're the one getting it from that same person?" (Y/n) scoffed and hugged him "Nothin' wrong with knowing before since my broke ass cant get it. I can get a knock off"

Reiji sat his palms on her back as she snuggled into him. She twirled his tie with a smirk "I know what I want~" The purplette lift a brow at her words. The girl then shot back up and cupped his cheeks "We should make a Snowman!"

Reiji sighed and gripped her wrist, pulling them away from his face "We dont have time to fix anything that gets wet. You could get sick and your grades cannot risk that" (Y/n) glared at him "I got good grades!"


He nudged her off and let her fall to the floor as he walked off himself. She groaned on the floor and sat up, crawling to the door. Once she opened it, the girl hopped off the porch and landed in the fluffy cold snow, head first.

She chuckled and went to get out of the snow.

Well, she tried to

(Y/n) jerked her body up again and tried to use her legs to lift her up, still did nothing



Mah girl is S T U C K in the snow. There was only one thing to do...


However, inside, the male blew his hot chocolate and then lift a brow at the sound of a voice. He closed his eyes and went back to sipping out of the mug.

(Y/n) whined, he didnt come. Now, she's stuck here...Or..

She moved her arms around in the snow and tried to shovel her way out of it. The more she threw out, the more carved in. Some go into her nose, slowly melting into her nostrils.

She threw her arms around for help once more as she choked on the water. Then, something harshly gripped her ankle and dragged her up. She coughed as the person hurriedly turned her over to sit up straight as they held her in their arms.


The person pat her back to help the water get out of her system. She inhaled a bit and exhaled as it came out. She looked back at the feeling of something being draped on her shoulders. It was warm. The girl looked down at the coat and gripped it tighter.

The person that helped her lift her up and held her. "Hey...You alright?"

She looked up to meet chocolate brown ones. The voice was deep as hell, clearly telling her that the person was male. He had pretty brown hair that faded into a lighter brown.

As they stared at each other, the girl only said one thing

"...Your hair likes me"


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