Well shit, guess I'll die

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"Who are you texting?"

The (h/c) gulped and scooted away on her bed "Nobody"

"Seems like you're lying"

(Y/n) jumped as he appeared at her other side, looking back at the door and himself. She nervously chuckled "I...Uh.." She tried to distance herself from the brunette as he got closer. The girl lift up a pillow and glared at him "Get back! I won't hesitate, Bitch!"

Yuma grabbed the pillow away, yanking it and jerking her forward. (Y/n) gagged as his hand went to her throat, her trying to pry his fingers away. Yuma smirked "You always think you're tough but guess what..." He threw her body to the mattress, bending over her figure.

"You're nothing but a blood bag waiting to die"

(Y/n) winced as he forcefully dug his fangs into her neck. She tried to push him away but all he did was pin her arms down. (Y/n) tried tilting her body and rolling him off however, Yuma was already done, licking away the blood that rolled down his chin. In the corner of her eye, she saw him smirk "You think you're so special? Guess again, Little Bun--" Yuma's chin was knocked up, forcing him back as he stood.

He rubbed the spot and glared at her "You---What!? I kicked you for a damn reason!" She pushed his chest as hard as he could, Yuma hitting the wall with a face full of shock. His collar was yanked down, makimg him stare into (Y/n)'s bright (e/c) eyes.

"Who the fuck do you think I am! I'm not gonna sit here and let you just treat me like a sack of shit! You can suck my dick if you think that" Yuma stared eye to eye with her till he then groaned and fell to the floor, holding his ankle. (Y/n) walked over to her door, an angry expression still present on her face. She then looked back at him with a bright smirk

"And its ten inches, baby! Suck it, Mukami! Suck it!"

She flipped him off and went out the room, slamming the door.


"Cinnabun~ Your Brothers are Bums.."

Azusa lift his hand and pat (Y/n)'s head as she leaned on him. They were still waiting for the food to be ready so she decided to catch up with Azusa. Of course, Azusa didn't mind. This girl loved paying attention to him and cuddling him. He grew to enjoy being with her each time.

"They're....Naturally like that..." (Y/n) scoffed wit a smile "That's what you think, Cinnabun" She then laughed, he laughter being heard around the large home. Azusa stared at her bright face and soon a soft smile came to his lips. Seeing her smile made feel....


"I made Dinner! Come get it!"

(Y/n) stood and helped Azusa up "He probably burned it" She cupped his ear "I'll tell you if it's safe or not"

As they walked into the dining room, Ruki and Kou were already sitting down. (Y/n) sat next to Kou, like she usually does, and looked at the food on her plate. She then lift up a hand, making an 'ok' sign while deeply inhaling "Yes.....Salmon..."

Kou bucked his head at her "Uh...You mean SALmen" (Y/n) squinted her eyes at him "..This is why you have a D in English-" Kou gave her a warning look, making her eyes go wide as she covered her mouth.

"D in English..."

The two looked to Ruki as he gave Kou a strong glare "D.....In English" Kou threw his hands up "What? Its hard!----Study more. That Language will get easier if you use the book--I do use the book! It doesn't even tell me the right things!" (Y/n) looked to the blonde "Just use that Owl app" Azusa looked to her and tilted his head "Duo...Lingo?" She nodded "Yeah, that one"

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