They wont separate us

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As the brothers stepped out the Limo, yeah, a few chicks waved at Laito and cheered for him, but, the main person he was focused on wasn't even paying attention.

His eyes were focused on the (h/c) haired girl who passed the crowd while bopping her head. Before he could walk over to her, a blonde popepd up next to her

She smiled up at him as the two walked inside the school. Laito gave off a confused stare as he hurried over to the two, ignoring some of the fan girl's calls. After a good while of following them, he found them around a corner. The blonde had his arms wrapped around her body and laughing while (Y/n) did the same.

The blond bent his head down to her ear and whispered something, making her face go red just the slightest. A pain rose in Laito's chest at seeing this. Why was it there? How could he stop it?

His eyes glided over to (Y/n) and the boy, narrowing when the blonde held her hand like a princess.


The blonde leaned in "May I have a kiss from you, Madame?" (Y/n) chuckled and pushed his face away "I apologize. For my heart already belongs to another man" The blonde stood with a lifted brow "Oh? And who might that be?"

"I wonder, where has my Minx-Chan gone"

A 'worried' Laito stepped out of the corner. He saw the two and smiled, walking right over. He lift his arms up as he came closer to the girl "Minx-Chan! I found you~" He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her to his chest.


His bright, cat-like green eyes opened and stared at the blonde in judgment "Has she already left me for another?" The blonde pulled a suprised look and (Y/n) laughed, looking up to her friend "Laito, this dumbass here is my Theater partner, Taro" Laito still didnt remove his arms as the blonde smiled at him.

Instead, he laid his head on (Y/n)'s with a saddened sigh "Minx-Chan's leaving me. Oh, what a world...." Laito sat a hand on his forehead like the dramatic person he is while (Y/n) shook her head at him 

"Are you two dating?"

"N---Yes! Finally, someone has noticed"

(Y/n) glared at Laito as he kissed her neck. His eyes looked over to Taro, going for her collar "I have the bites to prove it. Wanna see~?" Taro blushed at the thought of seeing more skin from the girl and nervously laughed, backing away "I-I...Uh, see you in class, (Y/n)!" Taro turned around with his tail between his legs and a blush coating his face. As he left, Laito smirked in victory.

(Y/n) shook her head "Now, why did that happen?" Laito dragged her into a room and pushed her back onto the wall. He went towards her ear as his hand went under her skirt.

"I dont like sharing my Minx"

He opened his mouth and bit inside her neck, no shame at all. Laito rubbed her under her skirt, enjoying the small hums he got from her. (Y/n) grasped his hand and drifted it away while Laito grinned on her skin. He sucked some more before letting go, giving the spot a kiss "I love my Minx-Chan. I dont want to lose her..."

He stopped moving. He stopped rubbing her, he stopped kissing her. (Y/n) noticed that he was acting weird.

He's changed a little recently and it's so foreign to her. Plus, did he say 'I love you'?

(Y/n) pressed her head on his chest and hugged him, making him look down in suprise. She lifted her head and smiled up at him "C'mon, you know you want to" Laito chuckled and hugged her back, he didint have the heart in him to mess with her feelings like that.

As they sat in a comfortable silence, the girl looked over and hummed, going over to the Piano "Lai, wanna use it?" He turned her way, just now noticing that they walked into the music room.

Where his older brother was sleeping

Shu simply looked like he didnt care. Hell, he looked passed the fuck out

Laito smiled and sat down at the bench, letting (Y/n) sit down next to him and lay her head on his shoulder as he began playing and singing along with the occasional forehead kiss on the girl next to him.

What great friends

No one was going to separate them..

Even if Shu was snoring away on the couch

Laito Has Friends? (DL X Reader!Various)Where stories live. Discover now