❖ 02 | heroin and pearl

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kth - 24 - present 

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kth - 24 - present 

Two figures were present in the warehouse. It was twilight and slender beams of light escaped the glass windows. The inside was spacious, the ceiling soaring far above their heads, covered in a mixture of both graffiti and cobwebs.


The middle aged man struggled against the wooden chair he was secured to, body hunched over, blood oozing out of his mouth. He was in trouble, deep trouble, and he knew it. The Kims never forgave.

"Should've thought 'bout this before you took the cash. Do you think this is a fucking joke?! You had one job, get it right you fucking retard."

Taehyung was pacing in front of him, fists clutching a half-empty briefcase. He had an annoyed expression, a mixture of disgust and disappointment.

"You took half the cash and expected nobody to realize? If you're gonna steal, at least be smart about it."

He didn't have time for this man's bullshit, the guy was getting old and was pretty useless anyways. Rubbing his aching temples, Taehyung pulled out a dagger. The dagger had a mother of pearl handle that was meticulously handcrafted. It had been a gift from Lim seven years ago.

The gleamed dangerously in the murky lighting, just like Taehyung's predatory gaze as he gave the man one last smile.

In the blink of an eye it punctured the helpless man's abdomen. Taehyung twisted it around a couple times, dragging it along his perforated insides to make it extra painful for the scumbag. A piercing scream ripped through the evening as Taehyung left the bleeding man in the abandoned warehouse.

"Sweet dreams."

Taehyung sat secluded in the darkness. The room was encased in silence aside from the click-clacking of laptop keys.

A knock was heard from the closed door, before a brusque voice called out,

"Boss, there's a young bastard outside who's stuck up on talking to you, I'm trying to work and he's pissing me off,"

"Then tell him to fuck off." Taehyung, replied curtly, not bothered about some kid who probably came asking for another raise.

The door opened revealing his assistant, Yang. He worked in handling jobs for the members of Kkangpae, from runners right up to Taehyung himself. A secretary of sorts, he had a particularly sharp tongue but he got the job done nicely. So he got to stay.

Taehyung didn't glance up from his laptop, still pressing keys at an alarming rate, as though Yang was not in the room.

"He's from Geomijul."

The typing halted and Taehyung finally peered up from the screen. That caught his attention.

"Alright, let him in, but keep someone outside just in case."

Yang nodded, shutting the door behind him.

Taehyung leaned back against his leather Eames chair, raking a hand through his hair. This was interesting. Geomijul was without argument one of the biggest gangs in Korea alongside Kkangpae. Geomijul definitely knew about their presence, Kkangpae was remarkably well established amongst the gangsters of Seoul, new or old. Unfortunately the pair had a silent rivalry despite having never directly having contacted the other. They had multiple mutual clients, suppliers and assets.

He was undoubtedly curious as to why Geomijul had abruptly decided to make contact after many years of being in the field together without communication.

Interrupting his thoughts, the door opened to reveal a scrawny looking man— by the looks of it, probably a teenager. Often young people came knocking on their doors seeking shelter and food in exchange for helping them with manual labour, they were called runners. Runners usually made deliveries and picked up payments. This kid was presumably one of them.

Good, start them off young.

"Uh b-boss told me to uh-"

Taehyung cut him off, not bothering to learn what the pathetic, stuttering boy had to say,

"Tell your boss it would be my pleasure to meet him in person, I suggest tomorrow for lunch or dinner."

The boy opened his mouth and then closed it again, making him look like a fish gaping its mouth in water. A small 'ok' escaped his nervously bitten lips as he was ushered out by Yang who was grumbling about wanting to finish his work and leave.

As the door shut, Taehyung got up to open the drapes and finally let the faint moonlight stream into his office which was dark a majority of the time. It was quite late but he had finished up for the day, which meant he could finally go home and unwind.

Their main building was located in Yeouido, an isle in Seoul with towering skyscrapers and contemporary offices. Their building was easily disguised amongst business ventures and entertainment companies. Most would expect them to be located in a shady district like Jong-ro, which they were as well, but they saved their properties in Jong-ro for supply warehouses and dens. Shady buildings stayed in shady districts.

Taehyung's custom-made, Mercedes Maybach S-Class pulled up in front of the building just as he left the foyer. It was a gift from his mother, the interior was an austere white and the exterior was a shimmering black. A noble vehicle even to the untrained eye.

Once he rested against the rich leather, the car accelerated effortlessly , gliding down the streets of Seoul, heading towards home.

In contrast to the car's tranquil motion, Taehyung was not feeling well. His palms were slick with perspiration, feet tapping the floor of the car. The buildings that flashed past only seemed to worsen his nausea as he struggled to take deep breaths.

The duration of the car journey was hell, a mixture of the constant need to throw up and shaking limbs. It always felt like he was going to die if he didn't get what he needed as soon as possible.

Once he reached, with a pounding skull, quivering hands and ragged breathing he stumbled past security, heading to the elevator. The minute he heard the ding of the elevator, he rushed past the doors, struggling with his trembling limbs.

He floundered through the drawers of his kitchenette, hands pushing objects here and there, causing them to crash and break against the marble floor. Until he found it. The thing he had been craving since the afternoon;

A vial of heroin. 

This book is fun 😃

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This book is fun 😃

What do you think of the story so far? I know its only been 2 chaps but still, let me know loves <3

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