❖ 03 | husbando and japchae

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kth - 24 - present 

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kth - 24 - present 

A year ago, Kkangpae was undergoing a purge. Taehyung wanted to cleanse the gang, get rid of rats and useless men. It was arguably the most stressful three months of his entire life, but heroin had helped him through it. 

Unsurprisingly Taehyung was exposed to the finest quality heroin, straight from the source, undiluted and pure. Due to all the stress he succumbed to the drug once, but he couldn't help but want that feeling of ecstasy that seemed to snatch away his worries and provide him a cloud of comfort to float on.

Here he was, a year later, very much addicted.

Unfortunately if one intakes heroin regularly, the body builds up a tolerance to it. That doesn't mean it won't harm the body. It means one needs to take more and more to get the same high. One's body comes to depend on it. Taehyung was careful with dosage, making sure he would take just the right amount to eliminate the withdrawal symptoms and urges.

At the moment, he took half a vial a day. Not a lot, but not little either.

Taking a deep breath, promising himself to never go more than eight hours without a dose of the drug again. The quarter-filled syringe shook slightly in his grasp but he knew exactly which vein to puncture.

As the dense liquid got into his system he was seated on the kitchen table, waiting for the familiar feeling to appear. There it was. He felt better instantly, the virulent substance flowing into his bloodstream and latching onto his brain receptors. His tense muscles loosened, the pounding in his head was gone like it was never there and the every bit of tension left his body.

It felt so good.

A sigh of relief left Taehyung's lips just as his phone buzzed indicating he had got a notification. At first he was going to ignore it, but he knew nobody would contact him unless it was important. Groaning, he unlocked his phone, only to be reminded he had a business meeting first thing the next morning.

Despite the fact that he specifically asked Yang to set all the reminders in his calendar, it gets on his nerves every time he gets a notification. Looking at the lit up screen he saw the notification; Meeting in Gangnam. **** restaurant, private suite. 1:45 pm. Geomijul. Yeah, he definitely wasn't gonna forget this meeting.

Looking at the time he realised it was already 10pm, so he decided to get ready for bed. After showering, brushing his teeth and changing he climbed into bed. He knew he wasn't gonna be able to sleep so he turned on some Attack On Titan.

At around two in the morning Taehyung was still laying awake, Eren's shouting a distant noise in the background. He was clutching a pillow but it wasn't of any help, there was no body heat, no calming heartbeat to lull him asleep. Taehyung knew he needed to sleep, he had probably gotten seven hours of sleep in the past week, even though his body was used to it, he knew he needed the slumber.

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