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jjk - 22 - present

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jjk - 22 - present

a/n: Black hat is a term for hackers who use their skills for illegal activities whereas white hats are government-hired hackers

Jungkook rested his chin on his palm as he waited for his quest to arrive, it had only been three minutes past the assigned time they were to meet and Jungkook was already losing patience. He could hear the ticking of his wristwatch as every second dragged out.

After another minute of mindlessly tapping his fingers against the mahogany table he finally head footsteps stop outside the door. His guest was here. The door opened to reveal his much awaited visitor, the leader of Kkangpae in the flesh;


His 'visitor' was Kim Taehyung, the very man who practically raised him. Taehyung's ebony hair was now permed, framing his sculpted face in unkept curls. His shoulders seemed to have broadened and his face matured over the years that he hadn't seen the older.

Taehyung had always been quite alluring, but right now— he looked like sex on a stick.

What the fuck Jungkookhe's like your brother, your hyung. Memories flashed through his mind, a swirl of emotions threatening to consume him when-

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Taehyung, leader of Kkangpae."

Taehyung's voice was smooth and clear, slicing the air and piercing him. Did Taehyung not recognise him? Why was he acting naive? Jungkook blinked before doing the first thing that came to his mind.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jeon Jungkook, leader of Geomijul."

He reached out to shake Taehyung's extended arm, grasping and shaking it firmly. His silver ring clinked against the ring on Taehyung's finger as he retracted his hand.

He heard the older clear his throat, "any particular reason you arranged for a meeting?"

Jungkook leaned back into his seat, maintaining his facade as he motioned to the chair opposite him, "take a seat, I have news." Ignoring the heavy feeling that settled his stomach he continued, "heard of Dongbaek?"

Taehyung nodded, "that name comes up in meetings a lot, why?"

Humming, Jungkook pushed the manila folder that lay in front of him towards Taehyung. He watched the other study the contents before raising an eyebrow at him.

God that was such a hot habit.

"Kim Seokjin?"

"He's one of mine, undercover in Dongbaek." he paused, before looking Taehyung right in his eyes, "Dongbaek has plans."

"Which are?"

"You'd be surprised with how much they have accomplished. Their leader Han-gyeol is planning to overtake Geomijul, then Kkangpae. Dongbaek might subdue us."

"We're more powerful than him in every way. I don't know if he can kill you, and frankly I don't care if he can," Jungkook clenched his fist, "all I know is that he's not getting anywhere near me. So don't waste my time Jeon."

"Kim," he returned the new nickname, "I don't think you understand the weight of this situation." he leaned forward on his elbows, "you might be larger than me in terms of power and size but if Han-gyeol manages to kill me, Dongbaek and Geomijul merged will be almost as large as Choongshim."

Only once the words escaped his mouth he realised what he just said, he mentioned Choongshim. He tried to gauge Taehyung's reaction but the Taehyung's expression remained blank. Jungkook remembered that Taehyung's face became completely blank when he was hiding emotions. It was extremely frustrating because that face meant Taehyung was hiding something, he just didn't know what.

"So you want my help?" Taehyung had a shit eating smirk appear on his face that Jungkook wanted to wipe off because it was ridiculously hot for no reason.

"I suppose you could put it that way, yes." Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung hummed once again, considering his offer, "Tell me more. What exactly do you want?"

"Han-gyeol is extremely discreet about his location and personal life, I have been attempting to find out but all my attempts have been unsuccessful." he paused, trying to read Taehyung's expression, "Figured there would be no harm in partnering since you're his final goal."

"I think I'll be able to find his location, in return I would appreciate it if you would not tell many people about this. Just how you have Seokjin-ssi in Dongbaek he might have someone in Geomijul, ready to rat us out."

Taehyung was clever. That was hot.

Jungkook agreed before asking how he would find Han-gyeol's location.

"I have a black hat, name's Yoongi. He can probably help." Taehyung added, phone already out in his hand.

Jungkook nodded once again. 

Taehyung excused himself, leaning back against the chair, waiting a few seconds before speaking,

"Sorry to call while you're fucking but its work hours and we need to discuss something," he paused, listening to the response, "Alright, get back to work when you're done abusing your husband's asshole."

Taehyung hung up looking at Jungkook's questioning look before shrugging, "freshly married, can't keep their hands off each other. We can pay him a visit tomorrow, he has more important matters at hand." he paused, "That are related to work of course."

Jungkook held back a chuckle, still feeling a heavy weight in his abdomen. The same feeling when one is called to the principal's office.

There was a heavy silence, neither of them having anything further to discuss.

"Alright," Jungkook broke the silence, "I'll be going now, here is my email for contact," He slid a small business card in Taehyung's direction.

Before leaving he turned around, not looking directly at the older, "It was good to see you, feel free to help yourself to lunch." He closed the door behind him, bowing to the waitress before adjusting the cuffs of his suit and walking away.

" He closed the door behind him, bowing to the waitress before adjusting the cuffs of his suit and walking away

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ive said this a million times and ill say it again, im absolutely obsessed with this book 

i think im gonna double update today 👀

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