He Gets Asked About the Pregnancy

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"Evan, over here!" "Oh my god, do you think he saw me?" "Evan! Evan!" "Y/N, Evan is mine!" "Is there any new material?" "Evan, please!" "I love you!" "Y/N, how's the baby?" "Evan, give Y/N a kiss!"

The fans scream and shout as he walks down the red carpet with you next to him. You're shivering, but not because of the bitter wind your chiffon dress offers you no protection from: rather, because you're incredibly scared. You've always been nervous in crowded places, and right now you're in one with five hundred crazed fans all screaming your name.

Finally, you reach the end of the red carpet and you're pulled aside by an interiewer. Evan smiles grimly. There's a short wait whilst the cameras are adjusted and then she smiles and starts asking Evan questions.

"We're here on MTV at the VMAs with The Strypes' very own Evan Walsh! It's pretty brutal out there! What have the fans been saying to you?"

He laughs awkwardly. "Well, most of them are pretty nice. Some are always going to hate anything I do or Y/N does, but yeah, most of them are so kind to us."

"Oh yes, Y/N! How's your beautiful wife doing? She's positively glowing from the pregnancy!" She gives you a little wave and the camera switches over to you for a couple of seconds. You blush and smile.

"It's going great, the pregnancy. She looks more beautiful than ever and I can't wait for our little boy to arrive."

"So, have you picked out a name yet?"

"We're still thinking, though we're thinking Car."

"Car?" the interviewer frowns. "Oh... Car Walsh. Car wash. That's funny... I guess." You and Evan are collapsing in giggles.


You rest one hand on your belly and the other on Josh's knee. His arm wraps around you and you snuggle into his chest. You catch his friend's eye and he smirks and you roll your eyes at him.

Josh's friends are round at your house for a rare evening in while Josh is actually at home. It is getting late and you were pretty sleepy.

Someone sitting to the left of you breaks the comfortable silence. "Hey, Josh, have you started decorating the baby's room yet? You're having a girl right? Are you going for pink?"

"We haven't started yet, but we're thinking of going for a pale blue theme. We both prefer blue, plus it's more calming and would match the rest of the house" Josh replies in his Irish lilt.

You nod in agreement. "Maybe underwater stuff..."

"Yeah, like fish. I can't wait. Actually, Y/N, when are we going to start?"


You're doing the washing up when you hear Pete walk into the kitchen. You turn around to find him furiously typing on his phone.

"Woah, honey, what's up?" You nervously pat his shoulder.

"Oh, I'm not angry. My mum just doesn't accept that you're okay. I'm still trying to convince her."

"What do you mean?" You sit down next to him and gently rub his back.

"Like, she doesn't think that I'm going to be a good enough dad. She's worried I'll miss the birth or drop the baby or harm the fetus or lord knows what. I'm not that bad, am I? I do try my best."

"Pete, you're a better husband and father to this baby than I could ever have hoped for. You spend all day pampering me and the baby and you're actually a lot less clumsy than you and everyone else seems to presume. Every new parent is a bit awkward around their child at first, but that's natural."

He smiles softly. "Thanks Y/N, but how can I tell my mum that?"

"If she doesn't stop pestering you, I'll call her up myself."


"So, what can you tell us about the tour?" the interviewer asks with a smile. The band looks at each other and Josh hands the microphone over to Ross.

"Uh, you can expect lots of the new songs! We're also making our shows more... spectacular, so watch out for some special effects."

The interviewer nods and continues: "Catch it while it last though, folks, because this tour is extra short! Only ten dates for the band that is selling out arenas? How come?"

Ross sighs. "Yeah, we're really sorry for all the fans who couldn't get tickets or who lived too far away. However, I hope they'll appreciate that Y/N and I are having a baby really soon and I want to be there during those special first few months."

Everyone nods and there are some "awhs" from the audience.

"We'll be using the time to write new material and record some stuff though, and we'll be touring soon and keeping you regularly updated so don't worry!" Josh laughs.

"You can see them at various dates around the UK over the next two weeks, with the tour ending at Wembley Stadium on the 20th. Ladies and gentlemen, The Strypes!"

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