Telling the Band

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"Ay, come in!" Evan welcomes the rest of the band into your apartment, hi-fiving them in a line. They all head immediately for the living room after hugging you. Evan follows them and you trail behind him, smiling to yourself about how goofy they are in private.

A photographer for this photoshoot for NME is already set up in front of the TV. They are doing an 'at home' feature on the band for next week's issue.

You lean against the wall in the corner of the room whilst watching them pour themselves over your sofa and climb on top of one another. They're in their early to mid twenties but still behave like they're fourteen.

After watching them for twenty minutes, the shoot appears to be wrapping up. Suddenly, Evan stands up.

"Can I take a picture?" he asks. You shoot him a surprised glare but he looks back at you without blinking until you realise that's his way of telling you he has a plan. "Everyone stand there and smile. I'll take the picture on the count of three."

They all stand next to the TV, looking at each other curiously. Evan asks the photographer for permission then stands behind the camera.

"Okay. One, two... We're having a baby!" He presses the shutter, capturing the shocked expressions of Josh and Ross and the laughing one of Pete.

"Seriously? Evan, what kind of weird ploy is this to get us to look shocked for a photo? Like, Y/N doesn't look pregnant-" He pauses while he looks over at you. "Wait, maybe a little bit..."

You gasp in mock horror. "Jesus, who would have thought it? A nearly three months pregnant woman looking nearly three months pregnant? Wow!"

"This is why you're our favourite pregnant woman, Y/N." snickers Josh. "Who else can grow a foetus AND be so sarcastic at the same time?"


"And here's to number ones!" Pete screams as he holds a six pack of beer aloft.

"To this single!" Ross cries, taking a can from Pete. He hands out the rest to the band and their spouses who are there, just like you, to celebrate the band finishing recording their latest single.

Josh entwines his fingers in yours and whispers in your ear: "now would be a good time to tell then we're engaged."

You agree and clear your throat to silence the room. Everyone looks at you and Josh expectantly.

"Um... we're-" you begin.

"We're engaged!" Josh announces to cheers and congratulations from the rest of the group.

"Let's do a toast to the happy couple!" Ross smiles. Everyone raises their beers in the air and Ross is about to toast when Evan waves his hands around to stop everything.

"Wait, Y/N, you don't have a drink!" He's pulling the last can out of the packet when you tell him not to.

"What's up, Y/N? Why can't you drink?" Pete asks, looking confused.

Evan slowly looks at you. "I'm guessing the reason you two are suddenly engaged is..."

You look around as everyone catches on. "Double toast for my beautiful wife and mother of my children!" Josh suggests and you blush as everyone raised their cans and cheers.


"Personally, I prefer the blue one, but I can see why you're saying the yellow crib would look better in the room..." you mumble as you flick through cribs on the baby website. Pete sips his coffee and nods along next to you. You're sitting in your local coffee shop whilst you wait for the rest of the band to arrive for a meeting and you're using the time to do online baby shopping.

"What crib would look best where?" Josh asks as he walks in with Ross and Evan following close behind him.

"Don't worry about it" Pete dismisses.

"No, seriously" Josh laughs. "What's up? Let me see!" He tries to grab your phone but you hold it above your head. However, since he's standing he can easily grab it.

"Wait, Y/N, what's this?" asks Ross, peering over Josh's shoulder as he frowns at the phone screen. "Why are you looking at cots?"

"Well, we weren't going to tell you like this but... I'm pregnant." you admit.

"Congratulations Y/N! Did Pete forget something? I didn't know you were trying..." Josh smirks.

Pete steps in. "We weren't, but I couldn't be happier that we're having this baby. It's nice not to have to keep it a secret now that this baby's uncles all know..."

Everyone laughs. "Uncles? We're honoured." smiles Evan.


You stand in the recording studio lobby as you wait for Ross. You've been looking through the glass doors for fifteen minutes when you finally spot the band heading towards you. You can't make out what they appear to be arguing about until they come through the doors.

It's then you realise that Ross is trying to persuade the others not to release the album in late June. You're wondering why he's fighting so passionately until you realise that's around the time your baby is due.

"For heaven's sake Ross, why don't you think it's a good idea for us to release the album then? Do you even have a reason?"

Ross leans against the wall. "Yeah. Look, guys, Y/N is pregnant and the baby is due around then. I didn't want to tell you until she was three months along but..." He spots you standing gobsmacked in the corner and goes to hug you.

"Please understand" you ask.

Evan and Josh nod their heads. "I do, especially since Daisy was born." says Evan.

"Okay, so if we try and get it finished by this week and delay some promo, we could have it released by March so we could have done most of the touring before the baby is born. Does that sound okay for everyone?" Everyone nods and Ross smiles gratefully.

"Thanks do much, it means a lot to me and Y/N."

Next up is telling your friends and then we're done with the announcing! ;) by the way, one of them is going to have twins, which one do you think it will be? :p

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