Telling Him

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You bound out of the room into Evan's arms outside. He barely catches you but when he does, he lifts you up and spins you around. You squeal, making everyone in the corridor stare.

"What's up honey?" he asks.

He slowly lowers you down and you wrap your arms around his waist and move closer to him so that your noses are touching.

"You've got to be more careful" you warn "what with the baby and everything!"

Now it's his turn to scream. He presses his lips to yours and you know he's smiling.

"That's it, Y/N, we're going to have a little Walsh! Only nine months to go!"

"Actually, eight. Even less time to get everything ready."

"We'd better get started then" he winks.


You know you only have about two hours until Josh gets home before you have to tell him. It takes you a couple of minutes sitting with your head in your hands to fully comprehend what's happening.

However, after that you got straight down to researching ways to tell Josh that you're pregnant. You're not sure how he'll react but you know you need to breach the subject delicately.

All the ways you could find online of telling the dad involved cute little baby booties or complicated photos, neither of which you had time for. In the end, you decide that the best way is the simplest way: you'll take him out for dinner and just tell him quietly.

You use the remaining time before he arrives home to get ready. You shower and put on a figure fitting, long sleeved dress. You don't have a baby bump but you can't help but rub your hands over your belly.

You're interrupted by the sound of a key turning in the lock. You run down the stairs, nearly tripping over in your heels as you go. You have to remind yourself to be less clumsy from now on. Josh looks up.

"Hey babe, what's up? Are we going somewhere?"

"Uh, yeah actually. I thought we could go out to dinner tonight. You know, for our one year and eight months anniversary..."

He pulls a face but laughs. "Sure, babe. Let me just change my shirt and do my hair. I'll be down in 15."

Whilst Josh heads upstairs to get ready, you sit down on the sofa and rehearse what you're going to say. You're in the middle of visualising how he's going to react when you tell him when he appears behind you.

"What are you thinking about, Y/N?" he inquires.

"Oh, just the future." You try to brush off the question.

"Actually, so was I" he mumbles.

"Really?" You hope you don't sound as worried as you are.

"Yeah." You're thinking he's going to leave it at that when suddenly he gets down on one knee.

"I was hoping we could turn this anniversary dinner into an engagement dinner. What do you say, Y/N?" You can barely hear his words through the pounding in his ears.

He looks concerned when you don't reply. "Is it because I don't have a ring-"

"No, no, that's fine. I just have something you should know. I mean, if you want to retract your proposal, I'll totally understand-"

"What is it? Oh my god, are you sleeping with someone else-"

"No, nothing like that. Jeez, Josh..."

"Sorry, but when you said you had something to tell me-"

"Yeah, okay. Josh, I'm pregnant."

He scrambles up. "What, really?"

"No, I'm lying because it's funny... Yeah, of course! Aren't you really angry?"

"No, not at all! Why would you think that?"

"Well, when I asked you about it last week..."

"You just scared me. I've always wanted children with you, I'm sure you'd be a perfect mother."

You smile as he sits next to you on the sofa and cuddles up to you. "So what's your answer?" he whispers.

"Yes" you whisper back.


You're not sure how Pete will react to the pregnancy but you sure as hell are excited about telling him. On the way home from Y/F/N's house, you stop off at a crafts store and bought a fancy box, some tissue paper and some ribbons, as well as scissors and tape. You then call Pete: he was at home.

You pull up in a side road and pull out the stuff you bought and the pregnancy test reading positive. You place the test inside the box and then wrap it in several layers of tissue paper. Finally, you tie some ribbons around it and write Pete's name on the side.

It's only a short drive back to your flat. You ring on the door and Pete answers straight away.

"Hey babe, where were you?" he asks as he takes your coat.

"I was with Y/F/N, and then on the way home I popped out and bought you a present." You shyly hold out the box and he takes it cautiously.

"It looks expensive." He turns it over in his hands.

"You have no idea..." you murmur.

He slowly unwraps it, peeling off layer after layer of tissue paper. Finally, he reaches the box and he looks at you before opening it. You watch him as he slowly takes off the lid and sees what's inside. His eyes grow wide and he stared at you.

"Does this mean-"


He doesn't say anything else and just turns it over and over in his hands.


He slowly looks at you, his eyes full of tears. "I can't believe it. I had no idea; how didn't I notice? Oh my god."

You stroke his arm as he cries. "It's okay baby, I didn't notice at first either. What... what do you think?"

"I'm still so unsure about how to feel about all of this, but I do want to be there for you and the baby" he smiles. You smile too.

"I'm sure you're going to be a great dad to baby O'Hanlon."


You take a deep breath and step outside the bathroom.

"Well?" Ross rushes up to you.

"It didn't work, I need to go buy some more" you sigh, grinning to yourself.

"I'll come with you to the store" he says, grabbing the car keys.

"It's okay, I'll drive. You look too nervous to drive, anyway." you laugh. He smiles and shakes his head as you climb into the driver's seat. You both buckle up and set off on the short drive to the supermarket. Neither of you speak on the brief drive, though he does squeeze your hand and you notice him shaking slightly and smiling to himself.

You pull into the car park and look for a space. Ross tries to tell you about some available spots but you ignore him and head straight for the family spaces.

"Um, Y/N, you can't park here. Unless..." His eyes grow wide as he realised what you're trying to tell him. "I thought you said the test didn't work!"

"Well, I lied. I thought this would be more fun. Plus, I was really craving cheese and now we're here..."

"This is why I love you, Y/N. You're going to be a great mum."

Sorry some of these are a bit short, but that means I can publish them more quickly :) thanks for reading, please vote and comment! You can also request specific things you want to happen or chapters you'd like xx

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