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You wince as you shift positions and you feel the now familiar ache in your back. Evan notices and looks concerned.

"Babe, are you okay? Is it the back pain again?"

"Yeah. It never goes away! It hurts so much-" You're interrupted by Evan shuffling across the sofa towards you and motioning for you to lean forwards. You do and even starts rubbing your back in a circular motion.

"I'll make you a hot pack in a minute. Would you like a cup of tea too? There's only two digestives left but you can have them if you want."

"Evan, you're too kind. The tea would be nice, but to be honest I'm feeling a bit nauseous so you're welcome to the digestives."

He nods and goes into the kitchen. "I'll be back in a minute, call me if it gets really bad again."


You're folding some of Josh's shirts when you suddenly feel the worst cramp on your right side. You cry out in pain, tears pricking your eyes.

Josh runs into the room and anxiously takes your hand.

"Babe! Are you okay? There's nothing wrong, is there?"

"It's just the cramp again. It hurts so bad, it's worse than any period... Oh god, Josh, please-"

"Baby, I'm going to go make you a hot water bottle. Leave the shirts, they don't matter, just go lie down on the bed. I just want to make sure you and our little girl are going to be okay."

You nod and tense as you go to sit on the bed and the pain increases. Josh takes one last look at you before he heads downstairs.

"Call me if you need anything, okay baby?"

It seems like an hour before Josh is back with the hot water bottle.

"What took you so long? No offence."

"None taken, I went and ran you a bath too. It has that bubblebath you like in and some random herbal stuff I found in the bathroom cabinet. I hope it's okay. Oh, yeah, and I got you some apple juice and a muffin. Do you need any help getting to the bath?"

"Josh, you're the best! Thank you so much."


Pete rolls on top of you whilst kissing your neck. You moan, first in pleasure but then in pain as his weight shifts to on top of your boobs. You wriggle out from under him.

"Ow! Pete, if you lean any harder on my boobs all this milk is going to leak out!"

"Ew, Y/N..."

"No, I'm serious, that hurts like hell. No more boob stuff."

"Woah, pet, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I haven't done any damage, have I? Y/N? Answer me! Y/N, are you okay? Oh my god, I didn't hurt you, did I? Y/N! Is the baby okay? Please, Y/N-"

You stop laughing long enough to answer him. "Jesus, Pete, I'm fine. It just aches a bit. Don't do it again, yeah? Lord, you were so funny. Maybe you should read up a bit."


"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to take the lift?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. No way am I waiting for that stupid thing to come back down. I can walk."

"Seriously, babe, you're looking quite pale. Are you breathing okay? I don't want you to tire yourself out; it wouldn't be good for either you or the babies. Come on Y/N, the elevator is right around the corner-"

"No! Ross! I'm going to walk to the fifth floor! How difficult can it be? I once did a marathon, I'm sure I can manage to climb five flights of stairs. We're halfway there, stop being such a wimp. Hurry up!"

Ross jogs after you, shaking his head. Admittedly, you are feeling a little lightheaded and it's becoming a bit difficult for you to breathe, but it's probably nothing. It's not going to be a problem. Only one more set of stairs to go...

You arrive at the top and grip onto the railings. You try and take deep breaths but it's difficult and soon Ross and a crowd of other people have noticed that you're struggling to breathe.

"Baby, sit down here. Do you need me to call an ambulance or a midwife? Baby? Can you speak to me?"

You nod inbetween coughs. "Yeah I can. I'm fine. Breathlessness... Is normal during- during pregnancy. Babies- are fine. It'll go."

Ross virtually carried you over to a bench and rubs your back anxiously.

"Do you need a glass of water?"

"Thank you honey, but I'll be fine."

The Strypes Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now