68 2 0

Prompt: None
Fandom: ... MCYT?? Mostly ocs
Characters: C!Wilbur, C!Fundy [mentioned], Phil2a [Oc], Sally [Oc]
Date Published: 04/15/2021
TW: Accidental misgendering


A week ago, if you were to tell Wilbur that in just a weeks time he would be talking with a brother  who looked like a red version of his father, watching as Sally ran from water hole to fish tank in order to breathe while walking through the Golden Empire with them, he would have laughed and told you that was a nice joke. Yet, here he is, now sitting at a table with a mug full of tea in his hands, his father watching them from afar while Fundy talked with Sally in the back. He was glad his son got to speak with his mother again, he really was. It had been so long, and he never did figure out why she never came back. He zones back into the conversation when Philza (and prime, wasn’t that confusing? Two Philza’s) tapped the table in front of him, head tilted. Wilbur shook his head a bit, tousling his hair and smile straining.

“Terribly sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.” The other sorted a bit, and he nodded.

“I could tell. I asked about your and the child’s relationship with Sal. He shouted ‘*Mom*’, and you knew his name.” His? Sally was a girl, though.

“I, uh, I know her. We dated for a few years, adopted Fundy together. She had to leave, and never came back.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his tea. Warped Fungus, he noted. Philza stared at him, brow furrowed.


“Yeah, Sally. Wasn’t she your sister, or something?” He tilted his head in confusion, watching his brother glance at Sally before shaking his head.

“Sally isn’t a girl.” He started, and Wilbur blinked, “I wouldn’t recommend calling him a girl to his face. He’s quite deadly in the water

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