My Dog Just Ran Away, and I'm Feeling Pretty Bad

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Prompt: "See? You're warm now."
Fandom: Creatures of Sonaria
Characters: Blitz [Fellisio], Ash [Arsonos]
Date Published: 08/19/2023
TW: Pregnancy, near starvation, implied stillborn babies, offscreen birth (the mess from after is described vaguely though), blood

Title from Nintendo 64 by Alex G

-- starts out very improper, and overall i didnt really mean to write this. lol. oops.

BLITZ and ash were.. ah. definitely not originally going to be together. they met and tried to kill each other (blitz was starving and pregnant, ash was decidedly NOT giving up his prey and/or dying)
eventually, blitz had to fly up, above the little area ash called home, but not quite a point where he could. reach her.

it took a long fuckin while but a very uneasy truce formed. blitz was the sky cover, and ash the ground. also blitz could swim. kinda. not super well right now. but so long as they didnt encroach much and try to kill the ither, they left the other to their business
(by a long while i mean like 2 weeks. possibly 3)

the only time either broke that unspoken rule was when blitz dropped down into ashe's territory once.
it was the dead middle of a freeze, and while the beast of ash and flame was plenty warm in his little cavern, the winged one up above was less so. with most of her energy going to making sure the kit didnt die inside of her, she curled up in a snow filled cavern and shivered.

eventually, she had to get out. she needed food. she hadnt had enough to do a short hibernation like she normally would, so she pulled herself up, trembling, and jumped down. she tumbled into the snow, wings hardly able to break her fall with how long it took for her to open them. ash was decidedly very startled by the sudden loud THUDTHUdthudpomf outside his metaphorical door, and stepped outside to investigate, because, um, what the fuck

he was not happy to see the felli outside. less so when she noticed him approachinf and started hissing, a low sound that seemed to shake her entire body. She scampered back, hissing and trying to rip long frozen clams from a rock, straining her entire very weak body and still failing horribly. the arsonos watched, unmoving, a little bit dumbfounded. was she stupid? those clams were inedible this time of year.
When she inevitably gave up, collapsing into the snow for a moment and breathinf heavily, the arsonos moved. Silent. Deadly.

He stood over the visibly weakened felli. he knew he should kill her. he'd need the food soon. he knew that.
She flailed when she felt teeth start to close around her neck, snarling and desperate to escape, only to go limp when shes picked up, scruffed like a young kit. she blinks.


meanwhile, the arsonos drags the felli into his den, screaming silently the entire time. what the fuck was he doing!!!!!

gently, he dropped her in the middle of a nest made of stones and moss gathered in the warmer seasons. she blinked, still tense and scared, eyes darting around the small area.
rocks decorated most of the little cave the arsonos had dug out, most the same dark colouration as the volcano she knew existed several days travel away. it was warm, cozy. amongst the rocks were plants, various glowing fruits and flowers, though she wasnt sure why they were there. she flinched, wings drawing in close to her back as the arsonos flopped heavily beside her with a loud sigh, stretching his claws out in front of him. He was warm.

she stared at him, eyes wide and more than a little bit confused and terrified. her stomach ached.

he stared right back at her for a moment, seeming.. pensive.
he exhaled, loud and grumbly as ever.

"i'm not going to kill you."

She perked up, ears twitching. she hadnt heard him speak before. it was... nice. low and rumbling, like thunder, or a rock fall. still, she narrowed her eyes, distrusting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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