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Prompt: Vent fic <3 Based on headspace
Fandom: Mandela Catalogues, Venturiantale
Characters: Jimmy Casket[but me edition], Archangel Gabriel
Date Published: 07/12/2022
TW: Manipulation, vent fic


"Shh, my dear. Hush, now, dry your tears... hush now." The angel whispered, stroking the small child's dripping hair, getting darkened gunk stuck to his hand. His dark eyes were half shut in mock sorrow, a sick grin on his face.

"Come now, dear, Don't you see? They were always going to leave, just like I told you. Do not cry over them, dear child." His whispers were barely audible over the other's soft crying, getting his robe wet and disgusting as it gripped the fabric tightly in it's hands. "It will be okay. You will be okay. You dont need them, don't you see?"

"I want them back. I- I need- they were safe." The child sniffles, voice cracking through the tears. "What did I do wrong?" It asked, hushed, a small whimper escaping as it buried it's face back into the gray robe, shaking against the angel.

The angel only sighed, humming softly. "They were never safe. It was a trap, and you fell head over heels. They were never safe, dear. Don't you remember? All the times they brushed you off, left you? Ignored you? Yelled at you?" The teen shook it's head, staying quiet. He chuckled. "Of course you don't. Don't worry, I do. I remember all of it. I'm just keeping you safe, okay? I'm safe. They never were. Never." Dark wings stretched out, surrounding the two in a cocoon of feathers and eyes, blocking out any light.

"Hush, dear, hush. It will be okay. Don't you worry now." He scooped the child into his arms, sighing softly as he began to walk. "I will keep us safe. All of us." Even if it means driving everyone away, one by one. "They were never safe."

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