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I PROMMYY THTYERE NOT USUALLY LIKETHIS IKUSTLIKEWRITING TOXIC STUFF,,, anyways irs my favourite very niche ship lol! have it. now with art i scribbled out

Prompt: Roblox Roleplay. :P
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Characters: Puppet, Ennard
Date Published: 12/17/2021
TW: Heavy manipulation, possessiveness

There's little sound between them, the only noise coming from an internal fan, trying to cool down a warm room. Overheated wires stroke cool porcelain cheeks, quiet huffs making themselves known as the amalgam pulls the puppet closer, gently wrapping its wires around the other.

Puppet hums softly, pressing its mask into Ennard as they cuddle, feeling the other's wires tighten around her shoulders almost possessively, and they sink into the comfort of the feeling. She felt his chest rumble, wires creaking as their voice box crackles to life.


She had heard those words often lately, and she responded automatically, immediately,

"Yours. Forever and always."

And that was true. Over the last few days, she'd had several encounters with her surviving family. Michael left first, he couldn't keep being her brother if she continued to date Ennard. Then Baby, then Kenny, and lastly, her Father. William. He took the longest, simply glaring at Ennard, but making no comment. Eventually, he showed up less and less, until he didn't.

She thought it'd hurt more, but instead she found a quiet apathy. She didn't care, for she had Ennard. She was theirs, and they were hers. That was all that mattered, wasn't it?

Puppet hummed softly as she leaned into Ennard, a soft smile gracing her mask, and she felt arms wrap around her, odd and bulky, wires twisted and warped in a way that tried to resemble human limbs. 

"Mine. Forever." That odd, jumbled voice, distorted and covered in static spoke out again, and she smiled easily, nodding along. 

"Yours. Forever and always."

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