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"Today is the day Ashy-Boy, how do you feel, I mean there is still time to back off" Gary was giving out gibberish like usual, I sort and fix my suit one final time and checked my hair, I was smiling internally because, A. I was marrying the love of my life and b. Gary just got hit on the head by Lillie, ahh the greatest feeling in this world, "So...Gare-Bare, when are ye goin to grow a pair and pop the question eh?" Ash teased the duo, "Shut your trap ye arse" Gary said looking as if he just shit himself, Lillie snorted and started laughing like the mad woman she is,

 just then Gladion walked in and looked at us and sighed, "Don't worry big brother, Tessa's with Serena, you could very well go and join them" Lillie said with a wink and all three of us laughed as the big bad brother Gladion blushed, "ooh that's a new one, what happened?" I asked, maybe Tessa is done waiting for him to make a move, this is gonna be hilarious, I thought and walked out of the room towards Serena's room, I knocked on the door and Mum asked, "Who is it?"

"It's your new daughter's one and only love," I said arrogantly, "Hey! I can have whoever I want Mr" Serena screamed, "same here Sere," I said, this was my life now, never marry your bestie, your whole life is gonna be you two constantly pulling pranks and laughing at each other, but that is the fun part, you two won't ever get bored of each other and that's what counts.

"I know hotshot" Serena responded with a chuckle, "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love you," I said and heard giggles coming from the other side of the door, "I love you too," she said I could imagine her blushing, I was too, but she was in a room with other women helping her whereas I am aloneish,

I made my way to the altar, the father from the church grandma and gramps go to in London was brought here because he blessed mum and dad as well as Serena's mum and Dad so yeah. There weren't that many people at the wedding, it was just both our close friends and some people from the entertainment industry that I had the pleasure of working with.

Then came the time that I was waiting for since I proposed to Serena, I was mesmerized as she walked down the aisle, her father brought her up to me, she was wearing a pure white and baby blue gown along with some of the jewellery that I had bought her, they all accentuated her eyes and made them pop under the studio light, Gary's company was doing a good job of brightening the place up, that I had to admit.

Her father gave me the look as he brought over the palm of his daughter and gave it to me, I held it like the precious thing it was, I gave the palm a little kiss without breaking eye contact with her, I could see her blush, she didn't need to putty her face with makeup, she looked so pretty anyway, I adore this one, plus she gives free cuddles, I love free cuddles, not that I would pay someone for it. Never.

Soon enough we were exchanging vows to each other, "Do you Serena Yvonne take.........." (ps. I haven't been to a Cristian wedding, I have pretty much no idea on how this work...so please don't hate for this yeah? We cool?) "I do" she responded without losing eye contact with me, this was the ongoing theme of our wedding, don't lose the eye contact, "Do you Ashton Anderson Ketchum......" "I do" I responded, "I now pronounce you as husband and wife by the power given to me on this auspicious occasion, you may now kiss the bride" I don't think he completed the sentence because I wanted to do this since when she walked down the aisle, all we heard was hooting and shouting and claps as we were busy devouring each other's mouths,

"Yo Ashy-Boo there's kids in here," he said through the music system.... Way to kill the vibe arsehole, just wait till yer wedding, I thought deviously, unfortunate to me and fortunate to him Serena understood the look on my face and lightly smacked me, I pout and she pulls my cheeks. Hard. "we can worry about him and his being later, not today, so I don't want that face until we're alone... If you know what I mean" she winked at me, she fucking winked at me, horny lady.

After that was the dance which we aced, note the sarcasm, both of us don't know how to dance, we aren't dancers, we never had the time for that, we had the cake, which was really good, Tessa can do good once in a while although I think it is because its also Serena's wedding that she didn't prank me, because half the time was pulling pranks on each other and getting scolded for the same by mum, although dad has a laugh every time, we do it.

The party was over and right now we were being driven to my jet, the honeymoon was a surprise I kept from Serena, I had already managed all her work for the next month and had done most of my works to let me free for at least 2 weeks before the meeting start once again, "Why won't you tell me where we are going!!!??" she says and pouts, "it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you Mrs. Ketchum" I said effectively shutting her up, well getting her flustered more so but it's the same purpose so it doesn't matter.

We were actually gonna go to the Maldives, I have a private island there, it's something that I bought when we first started dating, its been on the works since then, its been completely finished and furnished, it's not that huge it's actually a one-story house, modern and open with its own set of beaches and all, there is a yacht that could take us to the closest other islands which aren't that far away and I have a license, plus there is staff at the place and after this stay, we may give the house as a part of our resort which is a few nautical miles away.

We landed at the airport where my car was waiting with a driver to take us to the jetty or port or whatever you wanna call it, the Bentayga took us to the jetty where the yacht was waiting, Serena was blindfolded like usual, it becomes an ongoing thing where every time I have a surprise for her, she is blindfolded, she probably thinks that we are In France because I made the pilot announce the same, but she probably knows that this isn't France by now, I mean the moment you're out of the airport there you can hear people shouting in French not Dhivehi.

"I swear Ash, this isn't France" she murmured quietly "No shit sherlock" I chuckled, she stomped on my feet with her heels, thank god this stuff has cushioning everywhere, that would've hurt, "come on its only 10 minutes away," I say and she huffs and I guide her into the yacht, "I swear Ash if you prank me in any way shape or form you are sleeping on the couch first night or not" This is what my life has come to boys, once again a humble request from me to you, don't marry you're best friend, don't fall in love with your best friend. Don't even think about it, it may seem like a good idea. It isn't.

"Yeah yeah" I mimicked her and basically picked her up like a sack of potatoes and took her to the upper deck, the island was coming into view and the best place to look at it was from the upper deck, plus it would be really uncomfortable to walk in heels and a gown, no matter how much of a designer she is she still hates heels with a passion, which is why I had removed her heels, I had removed my shoes as well, "You can take off you're blind sere" "Fvcking finally" she swore, this girl.

"Oh my god, Ash you might get to sleep on the bed tonight Afterall" I had a small smile on my face which turned into a smirk as I hugged her from behind, "You my lady would have come to the couch where I was sleeping just for Ashy jr was it?" I teased, I could tell she was blushing, I kissed her on her sweet spot and she moaned lightly like I said, horny lady.

We docked at the jetty and made our way to the house, we were gonna be here alone for 2 days before we were gonna have our tours or any other activities, as soon as we bid goodbye to the crew, I picked her up bridal style and almost broke the door kicking it, the next month is gonna be amazing.

THE ONE (An Amourshipping Story)//CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now