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This girl is gonna be the death of me! Ashton Anderson Ketchum, CEO of Teal Inc, Multi Billionaire, was killed at the hands of his 'Best Friends' parents. It's quite ironic really?  I could get any girl in the world, and here I am friend-zoned by the only one I like, I tell you it's karma for something I have never done.

"Ashton Anderson Ketchum" Adam Yvonne a.k.a Mr Yvonne a.k.a Her father. "Good evening sir," I said confidently putting my hand forwards to give him a firm handshake.

Something that you should know about lawyers is that they like power and authority. A. Lot. That's just how lawyers are. We have a team of Lawyers. An exceptional bunch really, Ranging from 25 who is our newest recruit to our 64-year-old ex-Chief Justice, Martin Joseph who leads them. He doesn't work much but he's a bloody genius. He can find out loopholes through basically anything. He's like the role model to all of our lawyers.

Sometimes Dad and I would have a chat with him, it's not like we do illegal business or something. But something that both my dad and I truly despise is working with the government. They really do expect us to become a part of them. And that my friends are the reason why we have The ex-Chief Justice as our legal advisor.

Anyways that's beside the point. Because I'm having a stare off With Mr Yvonne. "So you have been with seen with my daughter quite a bit, yeah?" "Yes. She's my friend" I say although I do wish that we were more than just friends. *Internal sigh*

"You have a British accent," Mrs Yvonne said as she pulled me into an awkward hug, "I spent most of my childhood in Britain," I said, Yes I did. London to be exact. My grandad loved London so that's where my Mum, Tess and I stayed. My dad when he became the CEO shifted his main office to California and I shifted to New York. I don't like to think about my high school face, I'm not the proudest of it, Too much drama, I mean I still don't know why they did what they did. But I do wonder where those guys have reached in their life's. Not far I think.

"Oh. That's nice, I love Britain, in fact, I wanted to move there before Muffin's went to college" She said, Muffin?  That's cute. I send a sly smirk at Serena who had a shocked look on her face. "It's a beautiful place, Could do with a little less rain though and more sunlight, Mrs Yvonne," I said chuckling, "Oh quit the formalities. It's Grace to you" She said. "alright Mrs Yvo- I mean..Grace" I said with a little nervousness.

After that I had a conversation with Adam, Who became a whole lot friendlier, We were all casually talking We ganged up against her making a little fun of her and before I realised it was almost 8. Fook. The Rascals,

I stood up quickly after realising how late it was, I move to the kitchen where Grace and Serena were talking and making food. "Are you staying here or going home muffin?" I ask, "Nah, I'm gonna go after dinner, and can you stop with the muffin this and muffin that. Idiot" she muttered towards the end, "I forgot to look at the time, The Rascals would be worried sick," I say in all seriousness, they do freak out if they don't get their walks.

"The rascal?" Grace asked Before I could answer Serena did, "Yeah, Blue, Tucker and Oskar, His dogs" She said, I looked at Grace, "Alright, I'll ask Serena to bring dinner to your place afterwards, 'Kay" she said, I told her that it's gonna be ok and that I'll make dinner myself but Grace is very very good at the art of persuasion. Lawyer!

I made myself home and thought about meeting Serena's parents today. It would have gone differently if I were her boyfriend but I'm not. Sadly. And I'm not taking her to see mom. That. Will be a pure embarrassment to me, Nah not happening.

After I came back from walking the dogs I saw Serena and her dad pull up to my driveway. I greeted them and took the food. It was goddamn tasty.

I fell asleep after working for some time on my bed.

THE ONE (An Amourshipping Story)//CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now