Fragment 1 (Ode to Hermaphroditus)

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"What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals" - Hamlet, William Shakespeare 

Hermpahroditus, two as one - in perfect form made,

Child of Love and a trickster, protector of men, I pray thee

Neither with anger nor passivity, Lord Angel,

Strenghten my resolve.

But in your kidness, hasten - come now or leave me,

From the depths from which I call thee,

You have condescended to listen, leaving the golden,

purity of your home. 

"What my frenzied heart craved in utter yearning,

whom its wild desire would persuade to passion?

What disdainful charms, madly worshipped, slight thee?

Who wrongs thee, child?"

He that flits like the hummingbird, and glows like Apollo over his garden.

He that steals away in his chariot, casting the world to winter.

He that calls me to look back, despite the stalwart king.

He that heeds me not, Ameinias embracing the blade.

Come to me now, Hermaphroditus, and release me,

from distress and pain; and all my distracted,

heart would seek, do it,once again fulfilling,

be my ally, still.

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