The Letter

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January 1956
The doorbell rang and I went to answer it leaving Donny with the twins as they ate lunch. I opened it to find a man in military uniform and my heart sank for a moment. "Hello, how can I help?"

"Is Private Donald Novitski in?"

"Yes. One moment please." I half closed the door and took a deep breath. I walked into the kitchen. "Donny love, it's for you."

"Everything okay Julia." He said placing a hand on my cheek, seeing me on the brink of tears.

"I don't know. Just go see what he wants." I kissed him softly and stepped back to allow him to go to the front door. I sat and watched the twins eating their sandwiches. They were growing up so fast. I couldn't believe they were 4 and 3/4 already.

"Where's Daddy gone?" Michael asked me. He barely spoke to me. He was much more comfortable talking to his dad and I didn't mind that. As long as Donny was here for him he was fine.

"He's talking to a member of our armed forces. It's gunna be okay, he'll be back any moment." As if on cue, Donny walked back in a letter in his hand tears in his eyes. I looked up at him and he looked at me. We just gazed into each other's tear filled eyes for a moment.

"We'll discuss tonight." He said softly as he placed the letter on the side and came and sat beside me. I kissed his cheek and tried my best to smile. I knew the atmosphere in the house would be pretty dim for the rest of the day.

"Mommy. I'm done." Flora said pushing her clean plate towards me.

"Well done Flo." I went and got her a biscuit which they always received once they finished their food. "Mike, you're almost there." I said ruffing his hair a little. The twins were just like Donny and I, Flora was a mirror image of me of when I was her age, and Michael looked just like a younger version of his dad. I watched Flora eat her biscuit and Michael soon finished and just pushed his plate towards me. I took the plate away and handed him his biscuit. He quickly ate it all and I washed the dishes and set them out to dry. I looked at the letter on the side and couldn't take it. I needed to know what Donny had been told. "Flo, Mike, you two go play in the living room for a bit. Be safe and careful okay. Daddy and I will be right here if you need us, I just have to talk to him about something important."

"Okay mommy." Flora said and she and Michael walked out the room.


"I need to know Donny, I can't wait for the twins to go to bed. What did he say to you?" I picked up the letter and held it out.

"They want to send me to Vietnam."

"No. No no no." Tears streamed down my face. "No Donny." He immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I just clung onto him and cried. "I don't want you going. I've already lost Michael. I'm not risking losing you too. You're a husband now, you're a national sensation as a US Veteran musician. Donny, you're a father. You have two kids that need you. Flora and Michael need you, especially Michael as struggles to communicate with me and only really talks to you. You've already given 4 years of your life to the country serving in the pacific. You shouldn't have to give more." I continued to cry and I just held him. "I can't lose you too Donny."

"I don't want to go Julia. I really don't. I want to stay here with you and the kids. And if I can, and they let me take up a job within the forces here, I will. But I may not get a choice." I held one hand on the back of his head, feeling his hair between my fingers. "But I will do anything I can to at least stay within the states and not go onto the battlefields." I tried to talk but I was just so overcome with emotion. Donny continued to rub my back and try his best to comfort me.

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