3 years later!

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September 1949
Donny's POV

It had been 4 years to the day since I came home. I've been dating Julia for 3 years and 8 months. I loved her so much and I was desperate to marry her. I was scared though. What if she didn't want to marry me? I knew she still held Michael close in her heart. As did I. I held the ring box in my hand tightly as I walked to her house. Julia made everything better. Any bad day I had because of nightmares or flashbacks she helped me though. She cared about me so much and I cared about her more than words could describe. I wanted to spend the rest of my life beside her.

We had a gig tonight and I was going to do it after. I knew I couldn't back down. Especially given that today was four years since I came home. The day started as every day with a gig goes. She was at work during the day, (she got herself a new job which she loved) she went home and I met her and Mrs Adams there for dinner. And then we headed to the club to play, stayed an extra hour or so with the boys and then I walked her home and then went back to mine for the night.

We had once discussed moving in together but Julia quickly shot it down because she'd chosen not to move in with Michael until they were engaged, and so didn't want to move in with me until that day came. It was a decision I respected and was one of the many reasons why I was desperate to propose to her. Because I wanted to spend more time with her. And moving in together would do just that. When we toured the US we shared a hotel room so it wasn't like she didn't wish to share a bed with me before engagement. Also I sometimes, although very rarely, stayed over at her place. But that usually only happened when me walking her home was more like her walking me back to somewhere safe because I'd drunk too much and she didn't want me to be walking the streets alone.

I spent the day being stressed and nervous and I went over to Julia and her mothers earlier than usual. I knocked and Mrs Adams opened. "Donny, you're early?"

"Yeah, sorry. Is Julia back yet?"

"Not for another 20 minutes I'm afraid. But come on in."

"That's good. Because I need to ask you something." We walked into the kitchen where she was preparing dinner for us all. "So today is exactly four years since I returned home from the war. And my life has changed so much since then thanks to your beautiful daughter. I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. And I know her father obviously isn't around so I decided to ask you. I'd like to marry Julia. And I was wondering if I had your blessing to propose to her tonight after our gig?"

"Oh Donny dear. Of course you have my blessing. Had you asked three years ago I would have said yes. She loves you so much Donny. And I know the pair of you have a bright future together. You're going to make her so happy."

"Thank you Mrs Adams." I said smiled. 15 minutes later Julia walked in and I quickly hugged and kissed her after saying hello. "How was work today love?"

"Pretty good. But I'm excited and pumped for tonight. It's been a while since we last had a gig. And I know today is a special day for you my love." She kissed me again quickly and I smiled.

"Me too. I'm really excited." I said as we headed into the kitchen to eat. After dinner Julia went and got herself ready and then we headed to Oliver's. The show went perfectly and the crowds slowly began to leave. We stayed behind as usual with the boys but things felt different. It was probably because I'd told all the guys I was going to propose tonight and so they were just waiting for me to do it. After an hour of conversation Julia and I got up ready to leave and I took her hands in mine before she could grab her coat.

"Julia." I said softly. "As you know, today is a special day for me as it's 4 years since I came home. These last 4 years, being with you have been incredible. I never in my life thought I'd find someone like you. You're so loving and caring and kind and talented and beautiful and you've helped me though all the post war trauma I've experienced, and I know you will continue to help me. You've given me hope and love and I wouldn't change it for the world. We've been though some incredibly rough times but I know that we make one another happy and we deserve that happiness." I took a deep breath and got down on one knee, pulling the ring box out my pocket. "Julia Trojan. You are the absolute love of my life and I cannot imagine my life without you. I want to spend every day by your side." I opened the box revealing the sparkling ring, her hands went over her open mouth in shock. "Will you marry me?" I said nervously as I looked up at her. There was a moment of silence before Julia spoke. It was the longest 5 seconds of my whole life so far.

"Donny." She placed her hands over her heart and smiled at me. "I never thought I'd find true love again after I lost Michael. But I have. With you. I love you so much Donny Novitski. Of course I'll marry you." I breathed a huge sigh of relief and I stood up and placed the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. I put my arms around her waist and hers went to the sides of my face and I kissed her softly, all the guys clapping and cheering for us.

"I love you Julia."

"I love you too Donny. Although I have one thing I need to say. The night of the competition, when we first kissed, I made a promise to Michael. That no matter what happened between the two of us I would always be Julia Trojan when performing. It being my professional name as well as my personal name. Obviously when we get married I want to take your name, I want to become Julia Novitski. However, I met you and I joined the band because I lost Michael, and as I said then I wasn't going to lose his name. I still don't want to lose his name. Will you be okay with me still being Julia Trojan when performing? Trojan being my professional name?"

"Of course that's okay. I never wanted you to change your professional name. And I think it's important that you keep Trojan as your last name professionally as he was a huge part of your life. Just like how I use Nova as my professional name. But of course, for our personal lives, outside the band. I want you to become Mrs Novitski."

"As do I." She put her arms around my shoulders and we kissed passionately just like that first kiss we shared backstage at the palace theatre in New York. I held her close and I was never going to let go of her. "I love you so much Donny."

"I love you even more Julia." I said taking her hands in mine. She smiled down at them and lifted her hand up with the engagement ring on it. On the fifth anniversary of Michaels death, 7 months ago, she took her wedding ring off and put it in a box in her bedside table draw. It had stayed there ever since. When I saw her for the first time not wearing the ring I took that as her way of telling me that if I wanted to marry her I could. That's when I started planning on proposing to her.

"Donny. It's beautiful. I love it so much. Thank you."

"Anything for you. I went to so many stores trying to find the perfect ring for you. And when I saw this one I knew I had to get it."

"It's perfect." The two of us then finally left after more congratulations from all the guys. I walked her home and once at the door I held her close, my forehead rested on hers and I closed my eyes. "Michael. Today is four years since I came home. And after loving Julia for the last three years and 8 months I asked her to marry me. I want you to know that she will forever also be your wife, and not just mine. She will forever be known as Julia Trojan in the public eye. But I'm excited for her to also be Julia Novitski. I hope you are up there, smiling down on us. Because I know all you wanted was for her to be happy. And we are. We are so happy and we will never forget you Michael. You will forever be in our hearts. I love you Buddy."

"Donny's right. He makes me so happy. And I love you both so much. My two hero's. I will always be your wife Michael, regardless of the fact I have found a new love. He's not replacing you in any way. He's simply going to be right by your side in my heart. I miss you every day Michael. I just hope you're happy for me. And for us. Goodnight." We held each other close and looked up at the stars above us. "Donny. Stay the night. Please. I need you here tonight." She said placing her hand on the side of my face.

"If that's what you want, then sure." I said smiling. She nodded and kissed me before we walked in quietly and straight up to Julia's bedroom where we both got ready for bed and climbed in. I held her close and watched as she fell asleep in my arms. Without realising it I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of Julia's alarm the next morning. I didn't have any nightmares. I'd actually slept the whole night without waking up once for the first time since I came back four years ago.

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