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Hii again!!!(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
After so long......
<long chapter warning ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️>
Happy reading!!!(✿^‿^)


I was really lost in those eyes that I does not realise that someone went towards us...... As soon as I snatch back into the reality I quickly broke my eye contact with none other than my own P.A..... looking at his reaction I can tell that he is also very much shocked because of what just happened between us...... I really don't know what suddenly gotten into me for behave like this, I am also very much shocked with myself.....

After some awkward silent moment I decided to just go inside my office and also to have a nice coffee, as I about to go I hear my hyung's voice calling me.... as I turn around and saw my hyung and his P.Assistant coming towards us, as taehyung just stand beside me awkwardly smiling at them..... As they approached us-

"I come here to tell you something" hyung said with his dimple smile, "don't forget to bring your husband Jinnie" he speak out still with his dimple smile..... Hobi hyung, means his asistant also smile brightly at me and said, "yes please bring him tonight's celebration.... there is also many of our employers still wants to see your husband, and I know that he also wanted to come this kind of celebration, because after all he do is just living in that big ass mansion all alone by himself except your maid's doing should bring him tonight's celebration, Jinnie"

I taken a back for all of this what I just hearing now.... I, kim seokjin bring his 'husband' to attend a party with him..... Never in the hell I'm going to bring him with me for tonight's party..... Today I am really in a good mood and I just don't want to ruin it with my own hands....
I was about to go and say 'noo' for their proposal, but hyung cut me and said-

"I am not come here to tell you this like a proposel to bring your OWN husband in your OWN success celebration party, I come here to order you and YOU WILL bring Jungkook with YOU in tonight's party, whether YOU like it or NOT"
"But hyung I-" hyung again cut me

"Jinnie You are not alone anymore remember it.... You are a married man now and you also have responsibilities now..... He is your husband and he have every kind of rights on you in any kind of condition, weather you admit it or not, it does not matter because he is officially your husband, not like a temporary husband but a husband to whom you will spend your whole life with and it's also same goes for him.....

and now he is also a part of your life and you also a part of his life, you also have every kind of rights on him and same goes for him..... what is yours also his now, it's your company but now it's also his company.... it's your success today but, it's also his success today.... tonight's party is for our company's celebration so as his.....

whether you like it or not but you have to take all responsibilities now because HE.IS.YOUR.HUSBAND..... so now just got up your selfish freaking lazy ass and get ready at the right time in the evening..... you should come at the right time in the restaurant where we are going to celebrate our success party and I will massage you the address...... And tonight you better bring jungkook with you, other well if you don't than you don't really like the consequences after that..... and I am not telling you this Jinnie, I'm giving you this as a warning"
With that he went out with his assistant out of our views

I just stand there shocked of what just happened now.... and from my corner of my eyes I can tell that taehyung is not very much happy about the think of bringing my husband to my- OUR success celebration party.....


I'm sitting in my house living room fighting with my mind weather to offer him or not..... my body don't want him to take with me but my mind telling me the opposite..... what hyung told me this afternoon everything is just going inside my head, after all I admit it or not but he just tell the truths..... I'm a married man now and I have now a new ones responsibility in my life rather than mine..... I know I am not the type of husband things but I just can't deny that I am married and now I have my husband's responsibilities on me, whether he gave it to me or not and weather I wanted to take it or not but after all of this he is still my husband at the end of the day and I have to take his all responsibilities......

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