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<<Time Skips After The Ball Dance>>

It's really a big shock for everyone and also for Jungkook to see that Seokjin, the great Seokjin is actually dancing in a party 'willingly'?!? That's what everyone is thinking in their minds .....

After dancing for a good 45 minutes as Seokjin promised, he and Jungkook are now standing side by side, and silently enjoying the view in front of them ....

After dancing for a good 45 minutes as Seokjin promised, he and Jungkook are now standing side by side, and silently enjoying the view in front of them

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"So, what do you want to talk about??" Seokjin suddenly asked breaking the silent atmosphere around them......Jungkook looked at his right side and silently watches Seokjin with his loving grace, in the past before receiving this marriage proposal if anyone ever said that in future he is going to married this idiot and going to fall head over heels for him then he will Surely laugh his ass off on the face of that person, but right now when he is actually married to this stupid and actually mad in love for this idiot, he had nothing for complaining....

"Can you kindly stop your daydreaming, and stop looking at me like that" suddenly Seokjin said snatching Jungkook from his dreamworld...
Jungkook immediately looked away with a tomato face after realising what he did, he is really a master of embarrassing himself in front of his husband....

"Don't high your hopes just because I stare at you, you're not that handsome" Jungkook said with his tomato face, and Seokjin just shook his head hearing those nonsense rambling out of his stupid husband's mouth....
"Actually I have some questions for you, and I wants those questions answers truthfully- and you can't keep quiet or denied to answer cause you already gave me your word" Jungkook hurriedly said and stare at Seokjin for confirmation, after some silent moment Seokjin finally nod his head, and Jungkook smiled in victory....

"You know I am really quite upset with you.......btw,First question, why tf did you stop talking with me, and started to avoid me for fucking 1 month?!? Are you avoiding me because I kissed you at that party without your permission in front of everyone, or cause I kissed you in front of your hyung, or-...... Cause I kissed you in front of ' Taehyung'-"
"Can you stop your bullshit" Seokjin suddenly said cutting Jungkook's words after hearing his P.A's name, why tf Jungkook bringing Taehyung into this, he has nothing to do with this matter....

Jungkook looked at Seokjin for sometime then again started speaking, "why did you cut me after hearing your P.A's name, then it's true that you stop talking with me cause of your P.A, right?? Why Seokjin?? He is also your brother just like Namjoon hyung, he is also your 'brother', and on the top of everything I'm 'your husband' and you're 'my husband' and I can kiss you anytime, anywhere, infront of everyone, then what's the fucking problem with your 'step-brother' if we kiss infront of him?!?
Did he somehow like you??huh?!? That bitch actually likes you right?!? Cause he is your fucking so-called step-brother, so you guys don't actually connected from blood, and the way he looks at you with those fucking eyes he definitely likes you, and you Know he likes you right?.?Tell me everything correctly Seokjin, What is your fucking relationship with h-"

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