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After that night every time day and night I think ok how I gonna make him mine. It's easy to say but I, myself also know that its harder then anything but that's not mean I am gonna gave so easily.

I just have to make a perfect plan for this and wait for the perfect time. but now also I have to deal with this namjoon who is continuously shouting in his phone bc I think of his stuff's because they create something wrong and his shouting's is not helping me because I am driving.....

Finally after some minutes like forever to me we made it to the company. we come early to the office not only we every single person who work in this office come early because today we have a meeting with another foreign company for a big project and if today we got the project then it's really a big success for our company so, today's meeting is really e very very important for everyone.

I give the keys to the guard of the car so I can parked the car. After greeting morning to everyone I started to check everything, I know that everything is perfect because everyone is scared of our young CEO so everything has to be perfect but still as my responsibility I checked everything of myself so, if he ask anything I can answer him of his every question without any hesitation....

After some minutes finally the CEO come. I greet him and for the first time he greet me back, I am really shocked plus happy at the same time.
Because in the past few years when I become his P.A. he never greet me but today is finally- mean I am really happy. After that when he make sure everything is perfect he relax for some reason. I giving some black coffee because there is still left some minutes before the meeting start.

As usual he looked extremely handsome. And is cold expressions always give him a CEO Vibes. But I can feel that he is nervous like extremely nervous, not only he everyone is nervous today because today's meeting is really very important.

It's not that we never had any big meetings but today's meeting is a bit different from of all the other meetings. He had his usual cold Vibe but still I can tell that he is nervous. but I think this nervousness with his cold expression made him more hot and handsome at the same time.

call me weird but I am mad for this man and I can do everything like everything for this man to make him mine only MINE. I am obsessed with this man literally....

After some minutes finally we are all gathered in the meeting room with the another company to start the meeting. The foreign company is sitting on the other side of the table and we on the opposite side of the long table.

Then a young guy started speaking from the foreign company, "can we started the meeting now, mr. Kim?" Seokjin looked at the guy with his cold eyes for some seconds, who I know as Park Chanyeol as the CEO of the foreign company.

"As you said Mr. Park mr. Teahyung please", as he said to me I stand up greening everyone's attention towards me as I started the meeting.

<Time skip (3 hours later)>

"Congratulations, mr. Kim we are glad to give you the project and I know I don't regret my decision letter", Mr. Park said with a big smile in his face.

I can't believe that finally we successfully complete the meeting without any problems. now the big project is finally ours and I am really really happy like extremely happy not only me everyone today is really happy.

"It's my pleasure. and thank you so much for the project I can tell you that you don't have to be upset Mr. Park see you again and thank you again, I hope we can started to see each other around", Seokjin said with his usual cold for voice that can easily gives every single person chills through their spines. he still had his cold expression but I can tell he is also extremely happy and its made me more happy.

After the foreign company finally leave we all including seokjin, namjoon and his P.A. Hoseok gathered in the staff area.Everyone is today very happy.

"Thank you so much everyone. I have to admit that only for your hard works today we stand in this position. thank you so much again for this, I really appreciate it so much", Seokjin said.

Everyone including me namjoon and Hoseok shocked receiving the praises from the coldest so of the world. But still after word everyone smile and also thank him.

"Okay!!! for today's big achievement I give everyone a party tonight after work from myself!!. Because after this big success party is indeed needed", namjoon excitedly said receiving cheers from everyone except one person.

"And you also have to come today Jinnie, okay please", Namjoon said with a pleading voice and after some seconds of thinking receiving a nod from the other one.
After that everyone again back to their works.

I looked at the time and it shows 12:00 p.m. and after such a big ass meeting a coffee is not so bed idea I think so, I was about to go buy 2 coffees for me and seokjin. But before I go suddenly seokjin called me and for some unknown reason my heart started to beat loudly in my chest like it anytime going to explode inside my chest.

I turned around and feel like my heart stop beating for some seconds because seokjin is really like really close to my face, and his face is just some inches far from my mine. I can feel that blood rush through my cheeks, I felt my body started to heat for shyness. I looked down not wanting to meet with his orbs.

"Um- I-I-I want to say thank you personally to you because you really work very hard for today and I really really ap-re... <Cought> appreciate it. Thank you so much Teahyung,", he said and I feel butterflies inside my stomach.

I gather my courage and looked at his caramel doe orbs who already staring at mine. I just said 'thank you' what sounds more like whisper. He continuously looking at my eyes and I already lost myself in those caramel orbs.

I don't know after all these years what suddenly gotten into him but I don't I know why but I feel like he started to close with me, he started to give me his attention slowly slowly, he started to comfortable with me, he also started to slowly slowly accepting me as his personal assistant and he also started to 'love' me back??? If this even possible at the first place but still.

I don't know in the questions answers but for now I don't want this moment to end. I don't I want anybody ruin this moment, after waiting for so long I finally felt like my dreams slowly slowly comes true and in this moment I don't want any kind of ass-problems.

I fall for him more and more and more. I want him as only mine. You started to give your attention after this long waiting and I make sure for now on you also started to fall for me and come to me forget your so-called 'husband'...

You are only mine and no one can stole you from me not even your so called 'Mafia husband' honey........


Hey dear lovly readers I know this story is still boring but I promise that this gonna be interesting..... sorry for my bad English and grammatical mistakes....... the pictures right goes to the rightful owner......I only own the story lines...... and also sorry for late update, I'm having some personal issues so------
Have great day/good night.......

😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚TEAJIN...... THEY ARE LOOKING SO CUTE TOGETHER.... I LIKE---sorry I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😍😍😍.......


BYYY.....( ◜‿◝ )♡

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