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The father said then, "now you may kiss your groom", after hearing that Jungkook's heart started to beat even more faster than before, everyone cheered for them, Jungkook's cheeks blushed in a shade of a slightly pink colour because everyone wants to see their kiss....

then like a light seokjin is only inches far from his face, he looks at seokjin's those beautiful caramel orbs with a beating heart and shocked eyes, then seokjin slowly slowly go next to his ear and whisper in his ear with a cold voice what gives Jungkook goosebumps.....

Seokjin whispers in Jungkook's right ear, "listen Jungkook if you think that I'm gonna kiss you on your lips then you're totally wrong, my boy... because I'll never fall for you, never ever in my entire life so again I'm telling you, that don't expect any kind of expections from me..okay...."

then he kissed Jungkook's left cheek and everybody clapped and again started to cheer.... after hearing what seokjin told him his heart again started to hurt in so much pain, he never thought that one day this day would come and broke his heart into million pieces...... he used to think that he'll never fall for anyone in his life but after his meet-up with seokjin he understands that he had already fall in love with him at the first place..... But again after hearing that this marriage is only a business for seokjin and he'll never love Jungkook in his life, breaks Jungkook's heart so badly....

Jungkook looks up at seokjin who looks at front, then suddenly seokjin takes Jungkook's right hand in his and looks at Jungkook, after hearing what seokjin said he is not going to Stop his feelings for his husband, his heart again started to beat faster cause his hand is in seokjin's soft, warm hand's grip... Jungkook looks at seokjin who's already staring at him then told him to go where there parents is.....

They go near their parents and relatives and everyone started to congratulate Jeon said, "congratulations, my dear son and my dear son-in-law" Jungkook and seokjin both said, "thank you so much" they looked at each other, but seokjin didn't understand why every time he got lost on those brown orbs...he somehow feel guilty for telling those things to Jungkook but he doesn't care because this is just a business for him and that's it, he looks at Jungkook's eyes and he can tell that Jungkook is very much hurt only for his hursh words but he shrugged the thoughts off of, and broke their eye contact....


Then mrs. Kim said, "ohh!! today I'm really very very very happy for both of my sons, finally my Jinnie found the best life partner for him, my Jinnie is really so much lucky that he have you Jungkook, congratulations sons" Jungkook blushed at mrs.Kim's compliment and bow shyly and thanked mrs.Kim.....

Then mr. Kim grabbed a glass of wine clinking it with a spoon in the air and said, "Ladies and gentlemen thank you very much to all of you for coming in my son's wedding, please give them your blessings and let's the party begin!!! Cheers!!!" after that we all grab our glasses in the air and cheers it.... then slowly slowly everyone comes to us, giving their blessings and congratulating us and started to enjoy the party....

We all sat down on the couches...

We all sat down on the couches

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