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"Mr. Kim Seokjin..opps...pftt... sorry my bad~~~......My sweet sweet husband......Jin~~ look at me~~~"

"N-noo- Jungkook!.........No!!-"

"Ohh Shuttt the fuckkkk Up!!
will youuu!!"

Jin is shocked to say the least, tf Jungkook thinks of himself...
Does Jungkook really thinks that Kim Seokjin is a bott- if he really does, then he really fucked it up bad big this time.... like really bad....

"Lîstēñ m¥ *hiccup* m¥ sweēt hūssßàn-"

Before Jungkook could finish speaking, Jin suddenly flipped them both over and climbed on top of him,held both of his high af husband's hands tightly above his head to refrain him from moving too much....

On the other hand Jungkook became silent by this sudden outbreak of Jin, and the dizziness is not helping him either...
But he still tried to open his eyes and looked directly at Jin's but regretting immediately after looking at those sudden pitch black eyes- which are screaming denger, and definitely is not liking those looks at all...

He can smell that the denger is on the way to him, and it's definitely not his fault that he is feeling horny all of a sudden...He also doesn't know why tf he acted like that a moment ago too, it's not him but at the same time it's him...

But trust him, right now, at this moment, under his ohh sooo hot and handsome husband, who is looking at him with that sexy expression on his resting bitch face scaring him but turning him on even more....
It's not his fault again- who told this Seokjin motherfacker to be this fucking hot- At least not him- so it's not his fault...

His train of thoughts came to a halt when he realised that seokjin is not on top of him anymore or neither is he holding his hands, he watched silently as seokjin got out of the mattress and sat on the sofa which he never really used but bought it just so it could fit into the aesthetic....

He doesn't understand why seokjin suddenly stopped, does he not want him? Does he really hate him that much? After marriage people changed.... right?

"Listen jungkook I don't know why you behave like that today and I don't even want to know..... but I want you to know that me and taehyung- yeah we're not close like brothers but we're not close like the way you think us to be too.....he is my PA and more- he is my I'll stand when a third person says bad about my closed one's even if I'm not really closed with them..... and so I want you to at least show a little respect to him even if you don't like him"

Third person?? Who is the third person?? Who is he talking about?? Is- no no..... but is he referring to me....m-me as a-a t-th- third p-person???

A tear rolls down unconsciously as Jungkook stares blankly at nowhere.his mind is empty, completely empty as seokjin's statement repeats over and over on his mind....

"Jungkook before marriage I already told you that I only agreed on this marriage because of my parents.... jungkook marriage, love, feelings, emotions, family time, husband- jungkook I'm not made for these things.... I -I don't have time for these things ... jungkook I'm not a family man and I thought that I've already cleared it to you before our marriage.. didn't I?"

Very well"

There is no emotion....and seokjin is not liking those eyes, the eyes he is used to see shine brightly even on pitch darkness....

"Jungkook I already told you before marriage to not have any kind of expectations from me, right.... jungkook I don't b-believe in l-love...
Jungkook your path and my path is completely different-

Jungkook you want a family- what I can't give you
You want a husband who will love you, which I can't be
You want a peacefully happy life with your husband and family, which I can never give you-"


The sudden outburst is the least thing seokjin is expecting but he is not surprised at all.... actually it's very common to have this kind of reaction but he didn't expect it to come out like this....

"Why me?"

Tears are streaming down from those boba eyes, dumpling like cheeks are completely red from crying, hairs are everywhere on that pore clean face, he didn't want to admit it but he can't deny it that jungkook is in fact even on time like this looking like a literal goddess-

"Why seokjin... why..."

The air around them seems too suffocating, the silence is unbearable, the clock's tik tok is the only source of sound that can be heard from their room but none of them are saying anything cause they don't know what to say, the situation is the least thing that they want at this moment....

Jungkook is a mess, his bumby eyes are red and swollen, cheeks are glistening from his own tears under the moon light which is coming from the glass windows, nose tip is completely red like a cherry, those pink pillow soft lips are quivering time to time, hair is everywhere and his shirt's top six buttons were ripped off, he is a complete mess....
His head is empty with only a 'why' what keeps running inside his head and he wants the answer....

"You really hate me huh"

Seokjin's eyes are visibly showing confusion in them


Hate huh?? really??

Seokjin looks at jungkook directly looking into his dreamy eyes


Yes I hate
But not you Jungkook, not you
I hate my father
I hate this society
I hate my life
I hate myself

"Yes I do hate jungkook"

And exit the room without another word with a smile on his face which is filled with some unknown emotions that jungkook cannot explain, he just sat there dumbfounded with the sentence inside his head that seokjin just said, as droplets after droplets slides down his cheeks looking at the doorway

"Wait for me seokjin
Now I'll show you
Just wait"

________A sudden turn.....but thank you everyone for giving your love to this book .....stay tuned for the next one....
......(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠).... to be continue🥀🍂

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