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Bright smiled as he saw the rain clear up from outside. He didn't bring an umbrella or his car because the weather for today didn't mention any rain.

He looked down at his watch and saw it was 2 in the morning. He had an hour left before his shift was over.

Bright made his way from behind the counter to go towards the back of the store. He needed to restock the fridges and snacks before his shift ended.

Bright carried out the box of beer with another box of sodas on top.

Once he was done refilling the fridges, he cleaned off the tables and the messes left by the customers who came in whenever they ate.

He hated how the store had an open ramen cafe, some people would come in the middle of the night to eat but never clean up their messes.

Sometimes they had the audacity to leave a mess but still try and hit on Bright when checking out other items.

Bright didn't mind working the night shift though. Yes, sometimes he had to deal with homeless people, drunk people, and the fear of getting robbed. But it was somehow peaceful for Bright.

He went to a university that was only about 20 minutes away from the convenience store but a 10-minute walk from his place. Bright worked the night shift so it would fit with his school schedule, he was studying music.

He had a passion for it since he was young, he loved writing songs and producing them.

Once Bright was done with restocking, cleaning, and counting the money he looked at his watch again. The person who was supposed to start their next shift should be here soon. He knew all the employees who worked at the store, the next person for the shift was his friend named Kao, so Bright started gathering his items that were laid out on the desk behind the counter.

He was studying for an exam that was coming up soon. While bright was grabbing his pencil pouch he accidentally bumped his shoulder on a plastic cup filled with condoms that the store was giving out for HIV Awareness Month.

"Fuck" Bright groaned to himself. Bright went under the counter and start picking up the condoms while doing so he heard the ring to the door go off signaling someone just walked in, assuming it was Kao,  Bright stood up still holding the condoms in his hand.

He was about to greet Kao until he stopped his actions and froze.

There standing right before him, someone he never thought hed see again, someone who broke not only the trust they had for each other but also Brights heart.

The person only stared at Bright. He looked just as shocked as Bright, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it and looked down at Brights hands.

Bright followed his gaze and saw he was still holding the condoms in his hand. His eyes widen and he threw them back in the cup and looked to the grown to take a deep breath.

Just act natural, you work at a convenience store and he's here to buy something not speak to you. Bright told him.

He took another deep breath then looked up to still see them staring at him. Bright mentally groaned and put on his professional face.

"Yes, may I help you?" Bright said

The other person widens his eyes looking confused then looked down as he slightly nodded his head.

"Sir?" Bright called out

"S-Some cigarettes, p-please"

You said you'd never smoke, that you didn't want to be anything like your father. You promised me you'd never do it.

Bright cleared his throat "wha- what kind"

Bright was falling apart he hadn't seen him in over a year, and they left everything on a bad note. Bright was a mess over him and what made it easier to get over him was the fact that he knew he wasn't coming back...

Why are you back Win?

"Black and Mild" Win hesitantly walked up to the counter and took out his wallet grabbing some cash.

Bright tried to pay little attention to the person in front of him, but he could feel Win's strong gaze on him.

Bright's stomach starting tightening and he felt a sudden urge to poop.

Bright scanned the item.

"100 baht"

Bright didn't get a response or hear any movement. He looked up and he saw Win just staring at him.

"Sir. 100 baht" Bright sternly said.

"Sir?" Win spoke for the first time.

Bright could hear his heartbeat bang harder against his chest. He hadn't heard Win's voice in almost a year and for a second he felt as if he missed it.

"Do you prefer ma'am" Bright sassed

"I prefer my name actually" Win replied

"Sir. Your total is 100 baht. If you aren't able to pay then I suggest you leave the store."bright Bleated with a professional tone.

Win sighed "Can we just talk?"

Bright balled his hands into a fist. How dare he ask me that after what he did to me.

"If you cannot pay for your cigarettes sir I suggest you leave" Bright warned

"Bright, please dont be like this. I haven't seen you in almost a year, I just want to know how you're doing" Win fretted

Brights body started pumping with mixed emotions. Apart from him wanted to believe that that was true and talk to him but another part wanted to take the gun from under the counter and shoot him in the knee caps then walk away.

"We have nothing to talk about. The reason we havent seen each other in almost a year is because of you. I dont have time for your bullshit. Please sir, if you're not going to pay for the cigarettes then leave."

Win opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He took his money out and gave it to Bright with teary eyes.

Bright took the money and gave Win the bag with his cigarettes in it. Win looked at Bright one last time before he walked out the door.

As soon as he was gone Bright sat in his chair and turned from the window to let out quiet sobs.

I was doing just fine before you came back.


I'm excited to be here again with my 5th book. I really and happy to see how popular my other books have gotten and im so happy to have this one for you guys to read.

Enjoy the chapter and please vote💕💕.

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