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Bright woke up feeling warmth around his body. He could feel himself being kissed by the sun's rays.

He slowly opened his eyes to soon be hit the sun's light in his eyes. He let out a soft groan and turned over.

"Oh great, you're up!"

Bright looked up from the duvet to see Win walking inside of the room with a bowl of fruit in his hands.

"Thought you'd be hungry" Win chirped

Bright gulped and continue to stare without saying anything.

"You don't need to be afraid of me Bright" Win mumbled as he placed the food on the dresser next to the bed "I just wanted you to relax."

"Relax?" Bright blurted "Did you plan to do that to me?"

"Yes" Win bluntly said

Bright scoffed and ran his hand through his hair.

I knew coming here was a fucking bad idea. I need to leave.

"You're not leaving " Win growled

Brights eyes widen and looked back at Win.

"I know that look Bright" Win sat down on the edge of the bed
"It's the same look you had when I confess to you."

Win turned his head to stare at him, their eyes darted.

"Why do you always feel the need to leave when someone shows love towards you?" Win yelled.

Bright flinched at his voice.

"It was love at first sight for me, you knew that. I did everything for us to be together and I even put up with my father!" Win moved closer "Why can't you just come back to me? Why can't we be like we use to?"

Bright stayed silent and looked away from the younger.

"You know why" bright said through his gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry Bright" Win cried "I really am. But I came back for you, for us"

"IT DOESNT MATTER!" Bright snapped
"You still left, you still chose to flee instead of fight for our love. "

Bright wiped a tear from his eye and stood up from the bed.

"If you really loved me you would've never left in the first place"

Bright went inside the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Win let out an angry sigh and laid down on the bed.

"I'll make you fall back into me Bright. You'll see. "

Both boys were at the dinner table, silently eating. The tension around them was still there even after all the hours that passed.

Win didn't know what to say to Bright and Bright didn't want to speak to Win at all.

Bright couldn't understand how Win could think coming back after almost a year can make up for what he did.


It was a late Monday evening when Bright finally made it back to his small apartment.

It had been raining all day and he always hadn't heard from Win. Bright was worried something happened to him, but it also could be he was busy with work.

Bright decided to put his worries aside and take a nice relaxing shower.

While he was in the shower he had gotten a strange feeling in his stomach, as if something bad was about to happen.

It was weird because all day he felt uneasy, he thought it was just nerves.

After his shower Bright made his way to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers he had the other night.

Once they were heated he headed into the living room to put a random show on.

About 20 minutes into the show, Bright hears his phone go off. He places his food down to then stand up and make his way back to the kitchen.

The caller id said unknown, without thinking Bright picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Bright said

"Bright." Bright's eyes widen and he sighed in relief after hearing Wins voice.

"Win? Where have you been? I've been so worried. Are you okay? "

"I'm fine, Bright"

Bright furrowed his brows and leaned back against the counter.

"Are....are you okay? You don't sound like yourself."

Bright heard a sigh from the other side of the phone.

"I...I have to go Bright."

"Oh? But you just called" Bright whined, "can we talk for a little longer?"

"No Bright." Win said "I'm leaving. I'm leaving Thailand"

"WHAT!?" Bright yelled "What do you mean you're leaving? When? "

"Now," Win told "And we are breaking up"

Bright felt the tears building up in his eyes and his heart starting to shatter.

"Wha- Win" He cried "Why are you leaving?"

"Bright, you know my Dad. It was either stay here or lose my chance of working in his company"

Bright became furious.

"The fuck?" Bright spat "You know how homophobic your Dad is, and you know he'd use that against you. We've talked about it Win, you said you'd never choose that over me, over us!"

Bright started crying
"How could you?"

win sighed "I have to go"

With that Win hung up the phone and Bright fell to the floor. All he could do was cry, he felt so betrayed and so worthless.

He loved Win and Win always said hed never let anything break them up. How could he just do that, without a proper goodbye either?

End of Flashback.

"Bright?" Win said pulling Bright from his thoughts.

"What?" bright replied coldly

"I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have forced you into that but I really did just want you to relax. To be comfortable around me again"

Bright scoffed once again and picked up his plate to take to the kitchen. Win followed behind.

"How could you possibly think tying me down and forcing your mouth on me was a way to make me be relaxed!?" Bright fumed "This is not some Wattpad story you've been reading Win, this is real life. That's fucking rape and you know it"

Win flinched at the word 'rape'. He didn't consider what he did was that nor did he think Bright would have a problem with it since it wasn't the first time he did that to him.

"What's so different about this time Bright?" Win asked "I did that to you before"

Bright groaned and turned around to face Win.

"Because the first time you did it Win I wanted you," Bright said and walked away leaving Win alone in his thoughts.

I was doing just fine before you came.

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