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The next day Bright was too exhausted to get out of bed, so he decided to just skipped going to the university for the day.

As the hours started to pass Bright figured he couldn't stay in bed all day. He wasn't hungry but he knew he needed to eat. With a loud sigh, he got out from his covers and walked to the bathroom to go freshen up, when he was done, he walked to the kitchen to make himself a small meal.

Once he was done he went to sit on his couch and cut the TV on to some random channel, the news.

As he was eating he felt his phone vibrate and looked down to see an unknown number was calling him. Without thinking, Bright picked up.


"You aren't at the University, are you sick?"

Bright froze for a moment and his blood went cold.

"How the fuck did you get my number!?"

"It doesn't matter right now. Why are you in school?"

"Win" Bright sternly said, sending him a warning

"You know I have connections Bright. You've seen me find multiple peoples numbers while we dated"

"That doesn't mean you have the right to find mind"

"Can you please just answer the question? Are you sick or not? It rained yesterday after you left."

Bright bit his lip and sighed
"I'm fine, there you happy?"

"Does this mean I can see you again?"

"No." Bright hung up the phone and turned it off, not wanting to be bothered by Win again.

He spent the rest of the day moaning around in his apartment.


Bright woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He looked at the clock and saw it was 8:30, his shift started at 9. Bright got out of bed and slowly got ready, he decided to take his car today since it may rain.

Bright liked his car and liked to drive but with his schedule, he couldn't work out as much as he wanted, so he would walk some days just to stay fit. And whenever he could hed go to the gym or even boxing.

By the time Bright made it out of the apartment,  it was 8:45, with his car the convenience store was only a five-minute drive if there wasn't any traffic.


When Bright made it inside for his shift he made sure to greet the other employee, Lana, she was nice and always made sure to leave chocolates for Bright before she left.

After refilling the condom bowl and checking in, Bright sat down on his phone and waited for a customer.

During his shift, Bright would get the same amount of people. It would be the ones who are hungry, looking for a drink, or business workers from across the building.

Bright could tell by the badges they had on if they worked in the company, they started building it almost a year ago, right when Bright started his job.

Before this Bright worked at a popular restaurant, the job was easy but his manager was horrible. He would always taunt, tease, and pick at Bright. He didn't know at first why he did it until he found out his manager wanted to sleep with him. Bright quit after that, he decided to focus on Win but that's not what the universe wanted.

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