Love You

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"You sure about this?" Bright asked as he held Win's hand tightly.

"Of course, you're the only thing that matters"

With that, they grabbed the last of their boxes and turned around to look at their new home.

They moved from Thailand to New York City.

It was a brand new start for them. After so much time going through great deals of pain, they wanted to move on.

Bright didnt have much family left in Thailand or friends and Win finished up his business there.

Now it was time for the two of them to go on with their lives and try to find happiness in themselves and each other.

"Our rooms are labeled so you shouldn't have a problem finding it. My men already dropped all the furniture off and set it up." Win told Bright as he took the box with kitchen stuff written on it.

Bright smiled as he walked ahead to check out the new place.

They had been debating about this house for about 3 months now and finally came to a conclusion it is the perfect place. 

Bright didnt want anything to extravagant but Win still wanted it to be slightly fancy.

So they bought a house of a hill that should have a modern-day style added in with the "rich folk" look.

Bright and Win later found themselves sitting in the living room relaxing after unpacking.

They sat in silence for a while, taking in their new home.

"You want to order in or cook?" Win asked taking his phone out.

"Don't feel like cooking after all that work" Bright replied

Win nodded and got up to go to the kitchen.

Bright stared at him until he left and let out a small breath he didn't know he was holding in.

  Bright wasn't sure if Win was really on board with this. After the talk, they had months ago, they had agreed to be friends.

Yes, they were still in love with one another, but they needed time. Their relationship was toxic and too many lies were told.

They knew they shouldn't be together, but they couldn't stand the thought of not having each other around. Before making any decision they talked, about everything.

It took hours, days. But once everything thing was out in the open they found a solution. It may seem like a bad one to others but before the two dated they were great friends and loved being around each other.

Win came back and sighed softly as he sat down. Bright could tell he was thinking hard on something because of the way he tapped the side of his stomach.

"What's wrong" Bright whispered not looking at Win.

"What if....what if this is a bad idea?" Win's voice choked.

He was going to cry.

Bright moved closer and wrapped himself around the now crying man.

"I don't know, Win. I just know I'm the happiest when I'm with you, and id rather try it this way than never see you again." Bright confessed.

Win brought his hand up to caress Bright's arm softly.

"I'll change for you, Bright. I'm sorry for my past I really am. I want this to work but the doubts I have they won't go away" Win cried more

"I have them too," Bright said "But we can do this, can't we?"

win closed his eyes and rested his head on Brights shoulder. He whispered a small yes and they stayed in each other's embrace until the food came.

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