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Bright was home laying in his bed. After the trip with Win ended he wasn't sure what to do about their relationship anymore.

He was conflicted about getting back together or staying away from each other. He knew Win wouldn't go for that but it was hard to make a decision.

Win was his whole life for the past 3 years and it was hard having to let him go, but once Bright was finally able to get over it, Win came back.

Sure they had a great time for the 3 days they spent together, but what about in the long run?

Bright's thoughts were interrupted when he heard knocking on his door. He groaned loudly wondering who it could be. He didn't have work today and he planned on lounging around in the apartment trying not to think about Win.

As Bright got closer to the door he realized he didn't have a shirt on, he looked around and saw there was nothing near and hoped the person behind the door wouldn't feel offended.

Once Bright opened the door it revealed a short tan girl with brown short hair. Her eyes were big and the outfit she had on looked as if she was something important.

Bright realized he was staring and a light blush came on his face.

"Hi" Bright mumbled.

"Hello, My name is Ronnie. I live across the hall from you, I'm sorry to disturb you but my key isn't working and I have someone coming to let me in but I really have to pee. I always just got back from work. So if you don't mind..."

Bright stood there for a second taking in the words, he felt kind of bad and moved himself to the side to let her in.

"It's down the hall second door on your left" Bright smiled.

She bowed and made her way inside the home, rushing off towards the bathroom.

Bright took the time to find him a shirt to put on.

He then made his way to the kitchen so he could make him some food since he hadn't eaten yet.

Some minutes later Ronnie came from the hallways and made her way to Bright.

"Thank you again for letting me use your bathroom," She said "If there is anything you need im just across the hall"

Bright smiled back and turn towards her.

"No, you don't have to thank me. It's the least I could do."

They were in silence as they stared at each other. Bright thought she would have taken that as the time to leave but she lingered on.

He was starting to feel awkward with the staring and turned back around.

"Do you know when the person is supposed to come?" Bright asked.


Bright furrowed his brows and turned a bit to see her face. She was red all over and looked nervous.

"You said someone was coming to let you in your apartment" Bright replied.

"O-Oh right" Ronnie stuttered "They won't be here for another half an hour."

Bright nodded and turned back to the stove. He didn't know if he should let her stay or not. Something about her was off but he didn't want to leave her waiting outside for that long.

"Well, you can stay here if you like? Would be rude to leave you out there alone" Bright insisted.

"Thank you"

After some time both were sitting on Bright's couch as the TV played some random show.

10 minutes into Ronnie being here Bright has felt on edge. She gave off this energy that made Brights spine shiver, he was nervous and felt very uncomfortable. For some reason, he wished Win was around so he could make him feel at ease.

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