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                            's taehyun. beomgyu's redhead friend. beomgyu was probably hanging out with him.

hyejin babie:
no, it's taehyun, beomgyu was probably just hanging out

best girl cho:
oooh i see are you disappointed? :)

hyejin babie:
??? what no i'm not why would i be disappointed

best girl cho:
because your neighbour is not beomgyu

hyejin babie:
lmao what r u talking about i don't like him if that's what you tryna say

best girl cho:
mhm okay if you say so

hyejin babie:
i haveto go to eat dinner :(( bye cho<3

best girl cho:
okie dokie bye <33

hyejin went downstairs and saw her mom unpacking the food she ordered.

hyejin loved her mom so much. there were no secrets between them. her mom was like her sister. she was grateful for her.

"jinnie here's your food!" she said then handed over some bulgogi.

"thank you mom." she said shoving the food in her mouth.

they were talking and laughing. time flies real fast. i love you mom. hyejin thought.

"i'm going to bed now, i'm really tired because of school." she said pouting.

"it's okay sweetheart. sleep well, i'm going to pack you some food for tomorrow."

"thank you so much mom." hyejin said then hugged her mother.

"oh! and we have guests tomorrow, so come home after school instantly!" her mom said.

"okay i will, good night."

hey ! thank you for everyone who's reading this story but don't forget to vote if you like it ! :) it really means a lot to me. <3

i was thinking about something. i think i will write the chapters longer. yeah..... that's it, have a nice day/night ! :)

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