Behind bars

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Hank sighed, "that's it then. We stick to the plan, no added extras, just what we've discussed. A patrol car could show up at any moment to get you so just be prepared. You don't talk to anyone unless your lawyers in the room, and we'll do everything we can to fix this" he nodded at ava and jay.

     Ava nodded, "alright..." she stood up. Hank waved them out to give her some time to comprehend what could happen sometime soon.  She immediately wandered to the locker room as jay followed right behind like her shadow. 

                 "What are you doing?" Jay closed the door.  Ava sat down on the bench, "fixing this without getting your ass fired" she looked up at him.  Jay sat down on the bench next to her as they sat facing each other with their legs on either side.  Jay sighed, "it's my mess Ava, I did this. I'm the one who should be taking the ride, all of it" he huffed and looked her dead in the eyes.

                  Ava shook her head, "whether its your mess or not. There's a way to solve this without you losing your job and we're taking it" she tilted her head.  Jay closed his eyes for a second, this cannot be happening, "Ava you could be sentenced to life in prison if this doesn't get the happy ending we all want" he spoke calmly to her.  Ava shrugged, "if it means your jobs still guaranteed then that's a risk I'll take" she spoke sadly.

                  Jay frowned, this is the first person in his life to truly care about him and appreciate him fully and here she is about to pay for his own stupid and careless mistakes.  He was about to say something but trudy knocked on the door, "IAD's here to arrest you Ava, I told them I'd fetch you down instead..." she pushed the door open and frowned.  Ava nodded as trudy walked away giving her one last moment with jay.

The pair stood up, jay couldn't take it anymore so instead he just pulled her into a tight hug, "keep your head down in there, okay?" He spoke shakily knowing this would be the last time he could talk to her and hold her for a while. Ava nodded, "we'll be fine jay, everything works out in the end" she pulled out of the hug. Jay smiled sadly at her and bit back his tears as he held his forehead against hers.

Ava took a deep breath before walking out of the locker room, "we'll fix this" hank placed a hand on her shoulder before she walked off with trudy. Her phone and belongings were still on her person but she figured they'd soon be taken off her when she gets to prison. Oh god, it's really happening now...

"Stay out of trouble..." trudy looked at her one last time while a cop put handcuffs on Ava. She smiled at the desk Sargent and nodded before she was pushed into a cop car, the whole unit were watching from the window upstairs, all of their hearts shattered. That was it, she was taken away from what she knew and driven to cook county ready for holding.

"Jay, my office" hank walked into his office and closed the door behind his detective, "you're gonna tell me the truth right now" he snapped. Jay sighed and sat down, "Luke he uh, told me that Richard was hiding out at some warehouse because he knew the cops were onto him. He said he was gonna go find him either way, so I figured that it was better for me to go as backup then let him get killed..." he looked down realising that was the worst decision he had ever made.

Hank sighed, "and what happened inside?" He folded his arms, jay nodded, "Luke started threatening Richard, but Richie he uh, tried to make me pick a side. Luke pulled out his gun and fired two rounds at Richard, both of them hit his chest and then Ava walked in..." he ran his hand through his hair.

Hank nodded, "don't think I'm not mad at you just because I'm distracted, because I am, I'm pissed at you. But right now all that matters is Ava while she's behind bars so we stick to her story and get her out, you hear me?" He warned him. Jay nodded understandably, "yes sir" he nodded. Hank waved him out as he went to explain to the rest of the unit what was going on.


Ava arrived at cook county where she was taken to holding, her belongings were taken away from her, she was given an orange jumpsuit to wear and her mugshot was taken. It may just be the most innocent mugshot ever captured, said the woman behind the camera.

She was placed into a single cell for now until the task force detectives wanted to interrogate her, it wasn't long before they call to collect her. She had handcuffs on and chains on her legs, apparently she was a violent inmate for telling a guard to get off her.

"I've already told you, I want my lawyer" Ava sighed for the third time. The detectives huffed, "suit yourself, but just know things aren't looking too good for you right now. Your prints are on a gun which was used to murder a suspect in a case you were working, and you're our only suspect we have connected to this murder other then Luke squarez who seems to be missing..." the male detective sighed then left her alone to go get her lawyer for her. Ava sighed as she was left alone, maybe this was going to be harder then anticipated.

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