its a secret

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*six months later*

               "Where're we going?" Jay huffed as Ava continued to drag her boyfriend in an unknown direction, the blind fold occasionally slipping from his eyes. Ava snickered, "it's a secret" she stated simply before opening a door, "are we where I think we are?" Jays nose pricked up at the smell. Ava smiled to a familiar figure in front of her, "take your blind fold off, you'll soon find out" she let her dad envelope her into a side hug.  Jay removed his blind fold and let his eyes adjust to the lights, "good to see you, ragazzo..." leo held his arms out. Jay smiled widely as he gave Ava's father a bear hug, "jay!" Cora came running over and jumped into his arms for a hug.

"Woah, long time no see champ..." he chuckled and lifted her up into a hug. Ava smiled as jay treat her sister like he would treat his own family, it gives her peace at heart, "I was the one who set the table up" cora whispered to jay. He smiled, "I'm sure you've done a great job" he ruffled her hair up as Cora wandered over to Ava, "you better keep him, he's the only boyfriend of yours I've ever liked" she folded her arms. Ava smiled, "he isn't going anywhere, cora. I promise" she reassured her sister. Jay shot Ava a small smile, this is perfect. His favourite restaurant, his favourite people, and the love of his life.

                Later that evening, the pair were sat in the corner of the restaurant as business went on as a usual, "I was thinking of visiting Italy soon, I want you to come with me. I have family over there I haven't seen in a few years" Ava announced.  Jay looked up from fiddling with her fingers, "I'll go anywhere you go" he nodded.  Ava smiled, "you sound so corny" she snickered.  Jay smiled, "just for you, my love" he looked down at her hand and took it in his own, Ava smiled, this man knows how to treat a woman...

                "Coras been staring all dinner" Ava sighed.  Jay smiled as he looked over to see cora stood at the cash register staring at them closely, cora soon turned away once she saw that they'd caught on, "I like that you're close with her, she's exactly like you" he nodded.  Ava smiled, "yeah, she something alright" she laughed.  Jay smiled, "me and Will have a cabin about two hours away. Why don't we spend Christmas there? Just us" he opposed.  Ava smiled, "it's only April..." she snickered, but smiled at his logic.  Jay shrugged, "I know that, I just want to make sure you know I plan on sticking around. I see a future with you av" he squeezed her hand.  Ava smiled, "well that's a good thing, because I kinda told cora you're not going anywhere" she smirked.  Jay chuckled, "but yeah, Christmas in a cabin does sound nice" she added, making jay smiled from ear to ear.

                "How about we go for a walk?" Ava tilted her head.  Jay smiled, "sounds good" he stood up, still holding onto her hand as the pair wandered into the kitchen, "thank you, pops" she let go of jays hand to hug her father.  Leo looked down at his daughter and cupped her face, "anytime, tesoro" he smiled.  Leo then looked over at jay, "anytime you feel hungry, just stop by. You're always welcome, il mio ragazzo" he enveloped jay into a hug as he placed a hand on the back of jays head.  Jay smiled and nodded thankfully, "thank you" as Ava began leading the way, the pair stepped outside into the fresh air and let out a small sigh.

               "What did your dad call me? I'm still grasping this Italian thing..." he grabbed her hand, and calmly brought it up to his lips.  Ava smiled, "he called you his boy" she nodded, "he likes you, they all do" she added.  Jay smiled, well that's a relief.  As the pair walked along the sea front in a comfortable silence, jay looked down at Ava, "I haven't seen your Nonna in a while..." he spoke curiously.  Ava nodded, "neither have I, my dad won't let me see her. He says she's getting sick, she doesn't want her grandkids seeing her that way..." she looked down.  Jay frowned, "I'm sorry..." he apologies regretfully for even bringing it up.  Ava shook her head, "it's fine, she's strong. Whatever it is, she'll get through it" she smiled sadly at him. 

                 "How's your leg?" Jay enquired after the pair had been walking for half an hour.  Ava smiled, "you don't have to keep checking on me, what happened is gone, it's fine now" she sighed.  Jay nodded, "I know, I'm just making sure..." he shrugged.  Ava squeezed his hand, "I know... I love you" she spoke truthfully.  Jay smiled and brought her hand up to his lips again, "I love you too" he nodded.  Given that the sun was setting, they decided to head back to the car and call it a successful date.

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