She what?

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*two days later*

                 The team were starting to get worried, they were finding it tricky to pile up the evidence to prove that Ava is innocent and they're losing hope, but that doesn't mean they're giving up. Jays taking it hard on himself too, it was his mistake in the first place yet his partner is taking the ride. They hadn't even heard from her since jay visited her last, they won't allow her phone calls and she isn't allowed anymore visits since it's still an active case.

Ava was barely hanging in there, she's starving and bored to death. She has a bread roll or two a day and if she's lucky she'll be offered one of the other inmates bread when they don't want it, not everyone's all that bad inside of cook county, but most are so she likes to keep her head down, although that's starting to get hard.

Today was about to get a whole lot worse, she was sat in the cafeteria in the far corner when some cocky inmate walked up to her, "I know you, you arrested me a while back..." she scoffed as her little puppets followed behind her, Ava looked up and sure enough she recognised her.

Ava ignored her, "naw dawg, you ain't gonna ignore me. In this place we're all equal and I can do whatever I want to you..." the criminal puffed her chest up, Ava huffed but ignored her again, "fine, you asked for it" the lady laughed then grabbed an empty food tray, after a second of thought she used physical violence against Ava.

Ava felt a force collide with her back, that's it, she wasn't gonna sit there and take abuse from some low life criminal. She stood up and threw a punch at her, uh oh, this can't end well. I mean they're already in prison, so why not make it worse?...

It wasn't long before Ava and the woman broke out into a full on fist fight and the woman Ava was fighting should've rethought her decision since she was failing miserably. Ava was a lot stronger then her so it was easy to throw punches when she resisted.

She knew it wasn't the right thing to do since it wasn't gonna help her case much but she wasn't just gonna sit there and let herself get beat up. A few other girls somehow got involved but it's fine, Ava knocked the crap out of them too.

Eventually some guards ran over and broke them up, "Hey! Break it Up!" An officer yanked them off each other. "Get on the floor! Everyone do it! Hands behind your back and faces down! Now!" Another officer yelled at them. Every single inmate in the cafeteria laid down on the ground and obeyed their orders, there was blood on the floor but not a lot of it was Avas so that's good.

"Who started it?" A Sargent sighed and stood next to an officer as they all looked out to the sea of inmates laying on the ground, "that one sir" the officer pointed to the blonde haired woman. The Sargent nodded, "get her some medical attention" the Sargent huffed and pointed to her.

A few officers grabbed the woman as she was barely functioning, they carried her out and she was taken to med in an ambulance. It was fair to say that you shouldn't mess with Ava Miller. "Who was the target?" The Sargent huffed again. The same officer nodded, "that one sir" he pointed to Ava.

The Sargent huffed, "get her into protective custody" he waved an officer off. Some muscular guys helped Ava off the floor, she had a bruised cheek and a bust lip but other then that she was fine, "move" he sighed and pushed her towards the corridor.


                    Hank was sat in his office looking over evidence and case files when he got a call from cook county.
Hank: "Sargent Voight"
Patrol Sargent: "hi this is Sargent benson from cook county, I'm just calling to let you know that your detectives been placed in protective custody"
Hank: "she what?"
Patrol Sargent: "I'm sorry to inform you like this but she became the target of a brawl this afternoon. Ava is fine but the other woman involved is at med"
Hank: "alright, well thanks for notifying me"

Hank sighed and rubbed his hand over his head, he knew something like this was due to happen. He took a minute and composed himself before standing up and waking over to his door, he took a deep breath then walked out to see his remaining detectives.

                       The team all looked up at their boss who looked rather defeated, "millers in protective custody" he sighed.  Jay sat up in his chair a little, that can only mean one of two things, the case had taken a turn for the worst and something was going on or something had happened to her. 

                    "What? Why?" Jay frowned as hank sighed, "the patrol Sargent said she was a target which resulted in a brawl earlier today" he nodded slowly.  Kim widened her eyes, "is she okay?" She spoke shakily.  Hank nodded, "avas fine but the other inmate she got into the fight with is at med" he smiled sadly.

                     They all sighed in relief, "we need to move quickly, if we don't get the evidence out soon then she could have a court hearing date by the end of the week. So we try from the start, contact the crime lab, tell them to scan for any prints again and run forensic on any evidence we have" he ordered to them.

Jay was about to sit back down at his desk and get on with the work when his phone rang, his personal one not his desk one. He looked at hank for approval as hank nodded and waved him off. He pulled out his phone and walked into the locker room for some privacy as he closed the door behind him.
Jay: "Halstead"
Ava: "jay it's me"
Jay: "Ava? please tell me you're okay"
Ava: "Im fine"
Jay: "you had us all worried for a second, what happened?"
Ava: "someone else recognised me, a blonde chick, I arrested her a while back. I was sat in the corner when she walked over but I ignored her so she hit me with a tray"
Jay: "then what?"
Ava: "well I wasn't just gonna sit there and do nothing so I got up and uppercut her in the jaw..."
Jay: "are you sure you're okay?"
Ava: "I'm fine jay, I promise. How's the other inmate though?"
Jay: "Ava..."
Ava: "I know I know, I just don't like being violent"
Jay: "I know you don't, all I've heard is that she's at med still"
Ava: "oh god, well they're even more bitchy up here"
Jay: "who are? The other inmates?"
Ava: "yeah they're so cocky... 'one minute left'...oh my god just give me some peace will you Dennis?"
Jay: "is this all they're giving you?"
Ava: "yep, if I'm lucky I'll get another call next week..."
Jay: " won't be in there next week, we're gonna get you out"
Ava: "I know you will, you're doing all you can and I get it... 'Times up'...ughhhh"
Jay: "hey listen to me, I'll see you real soon okay?"
Ava: "see you soon jay..."

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