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Ava woke up the next morning laying on someone's chest, she fluttered her eyes open and looked up to see jay already awake and just staring at her, "morning" she smiled. Jay smiled back, "morning" he tilted his head so he could see her face fully.  The pair cheekily smiled at each other for a few seconds, "I could get used to this" she raised an eyebrow, jay laughed a little, "which part? The waking up and seeing my amazing face or the drinking and waking up with no hangover?" he raised an eyebrow.

                  Ava chuckled a little, "both" she smirked.  Jay smiled back, "me too" he reached down and planted a kiss on her cheek. It's crazy how people can go from despising each other to loving each other, she gave out a small laugh before the pair had to get up for work. Ava got changed into fresh clothes but jay didn't even have a normal top, "you know, I could give you this so you can change at the station, orrrr, just send you into work like that" she held up a shirt, it was a male shirt but he could easily change into one of his own at work, jay raised an eyebrow. He couldn't walk into work looking like he's off to Hawaii.

                   Ava could see the cogs turning in his head as she held the spare shirt and a smirk formed on his face, but before she could say or do anything he tackled her onto the bed, like a rugby tackle, good job they're both strong enough to hold their own. She let out a chesty laugh before he looked her dead in the eye, "you wouldn't do that to me" he smiled, ava smirked back, "I don't know..." she raised an eyebrow. Jay shook his head and gave her a quick kiss before she finally gave him the shirt. The pair got breakfast on their way to work then finally arrived before anyone else so Jay could change without him being too suspicious.

                 Hank walked in last once everyone was there and announced their case, "halstead and Miller, go pick up the suspect" he sighed and pointed to the location written in the board.  The pair nodded and left immediately as they drove to the location, "I'll take the back" Ava nodded to jay, he nodded back and stood at the front door waiting for her confirmation before entering. "I'm set" Ava spoke through her phone, "copy that I'm moving in" jay replied back instantly.

                  Jay banged on the front door and within seconds an older male answered, roughly late 40's or early 50's, "Chicago pd, I need you to come down to the station and answer a few questions" jay sighed.  The man pulled a face, "am I under arrest?" He scoffed, jay shook his head but before he could answer the man had already made a dash for his back door.  Jay followed him through the house but he knew Ava was on the other side so he didn't worry.

Ava was stood by the back door when it opened and a man seemed to be in a rush, "hi" she smiled knowingly, the man huffed but turned around and surrendered, "now you're under arrest" jay raised and eyebrow as Ava cuffed him up.  Ava flashed her partner a quick smile as she pushed the suspect out of the house, jay just shook his head and laughed as he followed the pair out, of course she'd say something like 'hi'.


Back at the district Voight let jay and Ava take the interrogation, "where were you last night?" Ava looked the older man dead in the eyes. The man scoffed but looked at her closely, "are you even American?" He scoffed, Ava looked at jay in confusion, this man is on thin ice, "talk" she scoffed at him.  Jay just shook his head, clearly he's gonna be ignorant the whole time, the man huffed, "I was at home watching TV" he shrugged.

Jay scoffed, "is there anyone who can confirm that?" He put his arms out. The man nodded, "yeah, my cat" he rolled his eyes. Ava laughed in disbelief a little, "you're gonna need a better alibi than your cat, so drop the act and start talking. We've already got on one count of murder so if you don't tell us where you were last night we can easily link you back to the second one" she folded her arms. Jay nodded in agreement as the man sighed and threw his head back. "Fine, I was buying supplies" he sighed, Ava looked at jay in confusion, "what kind of supplies?" Jay huffed.

                  The man looked at them, "car supplies, I know a guy who said he needed his breaks fixed. He kept blowing me off when I asked him why, seemed suspicious if you ask me" he shrugged.  Ava nodded, "what's his name?" She spoke blankly, the man tilted his head, "Lois Sanchez" he huffed.  Ava nodded, "alright, sit tight" she sighed and stood up as jay followed suit.  The pair exited the interrogation room and went to make a start in who this guy was so they could finish the case and go to mollys for a nice cold brew.

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