one day

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*one month later*

             "I'm just warning you, this uncle isn't as inviting as the rest of my family" Ava sighed as she dragged jay out off the airport. The heat instantly smacked them in the face once again, "great" jay smiled sarcastically.  Ava chuckled, "once he trusts you, he's not that bad" she shrugged as they made their way over to the taxi.  The fresh smell of Italy filled their nostrils and Ava found herself smiling subconsciously, jay couldn't help my smile at her happiness.


             After an hour drive, the pair finally arrived at Ava's uncles' house.  Jays eyes widened as he stepped out of the cab, "Jesus" he muttered to himself.  He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

             Before he could share his shock with his girlfriend, he noticed that she was squealing and already running towards a figure which he also just noticed, not too far away

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             Before he could share his shock with his girlfriend, he noticed that she was squealing and already running towards a figure which he also just noticed, not too far away.  He watched carefully as Ava jumped into a man's arms, "I'm so happy you made it, bellissima" the man cradled the back of her head as she buried her face into the crook of his neck.  Once they had said their hellos, the man which was extremely buff and very tall, made his way over to jay.

            However, even though jay expected a handshake and a hello, the man whom was presumably Ava's uncle, didn't give him one.  The man walked right past jay and grabbed Ava's luggage from the back seat.  He tipped the taxi driver a large amount of cash before returning to his house after walking down the large drive.  Ava snickered, "he doesn't trust you yet, just give him time. I promise he'll love you in a day or two" she pressed a kiss onto his cheek.  Jay smiled, "alright" he nodded before grabbing his luggage. 


"How's Cora doing, amore mio?" Enzo grabbed Ava's hand and squeezed it as the waiters filled everyone's glasses with wine. Ava smiled, "she's alright, schools not going so well but she's enjoying it a bit more now" she nodded. Enzo sighed, "does she need tutoring?" He took a sip of his wine. Ava chuckled, "you know she'd hate you if you tried that" she raised an eyebrow. Enzo shrugged, "just whatever she needs, whatever you need" he tapped the chair, signalling that they don't need to worry about things. Ava sighed as the conversation picked up, "your father called, asking if you both had safely made it" Enzo added.

"Let me guess, he gave you a speech..." Ava shook her head. Enzo nodded, "come sempre" he rolled his eyes. Ava smiled, "well we're both in one piece, so I assume that's all he needs to know" she shot jay a small smile, letting him know that her uncle does know he's here. Enzo turned his attention to jay, "what do you do for a living?" He enquired. Ava sighed, "I'm Ava's partner" jay nodded. Enzo shot Ava a small eyebrow raise, "so you trust each other, a lot?" He nodded. Ava nodded in return, "we do" she sipped on her wine.

"Where'd you grow up?" Enzo folded his arms over his unbuttoned suit jacket. Jay nodded slowly, "Chicago, canaryville" he smiled weakly. Enzo kept a straight face, he paused for a second before continuing to say nothing, he nodded in return. That was all the questioning done for tonight, the rest of the dinner was filled with conversation between Ava, jay and Enzo wife. Enzo kept his eyes on jay the whole time.


"He's a tough one" jay sighed as he watched Ava unpack her things. Ava chuckled, "nah, he's a big softy once he's on your side" she smiled through the mirror. Jay smiled back, simply watching her put her things into the wardrobe. The pair are staying in his mansion and jay couldn't help but wonder about one thing.

"Enzo seems... wealthy. Why didn't he help you guys out when you needed support?" He bit the bullet, "if that's not too personal..." he added.  Ava slowly turned around and smiled, she moved to lay down next to him and rest her head on his chest, "he's my moms brother, and she didn't really open up about her personal life all that much. When she left we were stuck with no answers. I didn't find out about my uncle until I joined the police academy. He's been like a second father to me and Cora ever since" she looked up at him. Jay smiled weakly, "he seems like a good guy, what does he do for a living?" He planted a kiss onto her forehead.

"I have no idea, he never answers my questions. I don't think anyone, other than the people who work in his house, actually knows" she chuckled. Jay smiled widely, "well whatever he's doing, I think we need to start. It's really nice here..." he glanced over his shoulder towards the open window. She smiled, "yeah, I miss it a lot" she nodded. Jay smiled, "one day, we'll move here. We'll have a bunch of babies and we can do whatever we want" he nodded. Ava chuckled, "if that's what you really want" she nodded. The pair shared a moment of silence before settling down for the night. Tomorrow should be fun...

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