Thats on you darling

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*i'll be doing this chapter in POV's just so it doesn't get too confusing lol*

Intelligence's POV

               "Where the hell are Miller and Halstead? They should've been back 10 minutes ago!" hank huffed in annoyance, the team all looked around at each other in confusion, no one had heard from them.  Hank sighed, "someone ping their phones, we don't have time for this" he pointed to anyone in the room.  They all nodded and got on with their tasks but Vanessa decided to do it since she was already at her desk unlike the others who were stood around the board pinning up information.

Jay's and Ava's POV

                   The pair were being held in a barely lit room and there was one dinky light in the corner of the room supplying enough light source just so they could see what was going on.  Unfortunately, Ava wasn't awake yet but jay was and he noticed how different their situations were, he was chained to the wall and sat down, but Ava had her arms above her head as they were chained to the ceiling forcing her onto her knees. "Ava..." he whisper yelled since he didn't want to provoke their situation, he was worried when she didn't wake up to his voice since he could see blood dripping from her head.

He too also had a head injury, the back of his head felt warm and sticky but he couldn't touch it since the chains restrained his arms. He was startled by a man walking into the room with a smirk on his face, he didn't recognise the man but he knew this couldn't be good, "awh would you look at that...she's still knocked out" he laughed and walked over to the corner where he picked up a bucked of water and walked over to Ava. Jay watched in horror as the man hurled the ice cold water over his girlfriend and partner, "leave her alone, you bastard" he scoffed at the man. The man laughed, "shut your mouth" he ignored jay in the corner.

Ava immediately woke up from the impact of the ice chunks hitting her body, she gasped and she tugged on the chains but it was no use, she was tied up pretty good, "ahhhh she's awake, Mike she's awake!" The man called out into the hallway that neither of the partners could see. Ava didn't even comprehend what he was saying since she was still too busy trying to catch her breath back, that's when she noticed jay in the corner, she flashed him a quick but scared smile as her hair was drenched. Jay flashed her a worried expression back as this so called Mike walked into the room too.

"What's your name sweetie?" Mike crouched down in front of Ava but Ava knew better then to give them anything, "go to hell" she lunged at him. Mike didn't seem to like that so he threw a punch to her abdomen, she winced in pain but soon put on her brave face, "I said, what's your name?" Mike grabbed her face and made her look at him, when she decided to keep her mouth shut he tightened his grip, "kiss my ass..." she mumbled out since his grip was starting to hurt her. Mike tossed her head away and stood up to look at jay, "I'm assuming you don't want the same treatment, what's yours?" He scoffed at jay. Jay just looked at Ava as she was biting back the pain and sighed knowing he would get it too, "jay" he huffed. Mike nodded before returning to Ava...

Chris's POV

                   Chris was sat in his office throwing a tennis ball up and down when Mike came wandering through the door, "you're really gonna like this boss" he smirked.  Chris sat up inquisitively and nodded for his colleague to carry on, "it's Ava, we got her and her partner" Mike laughed. Chris perked up at his ex's name, "you did huh? Where is she?" He raised an eyebrow, Mike nodded, "she's in the basement with her partner, jay" he smirked devilishly. Chris nodded, "leave them be for now, we've got plenty of time, I'll stop by later" he smirked back.

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