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- Oliver -

It's been 2 months since I left my house and honestly it's been amazing. Me and Jeff are doing amazing, Jeff is still the WWE Champion. When he has a match I'll go a cheer him on, and support him. If he's hurt I patch him up. I got too meet Lita and Trish and Matt. They are so nice but with lita and Trish, I can tell they don't really like each other in real life at all.
The thing is during WWE, Triple H has been interrupting Jeffs matches, and trying to distract him so he loses. It never worked, and I can tell Triple H and Stephanie are not happy about that. You see today is going to be a little different. We are going to give Triple H a piece of his own medication.

So right now Triple H is going aginced Edge too see who will be in money in the bank. We are going to see how he likes this. To be honest I am kinda nervous but I'll do anything for Jeff. We walk to the gorilla and watch the match threw the monitor. Right now Triple H has the upper hand. " Are you nervous " Jeff asks me and I nod " Hey don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you. They won't even get the chanve" He says and pats my head " It's not me I'm worried about w-what if you get hurt, during this. " I say and I hold onto his hand.
He chuckles " Don't worry about me, as long are you are safe that's all that matters " Jeff says and kisses the top of my hand and I blush. Jeff gives me a smirk and tell the guy to start his music.
Once Jeff music turns on we walk out there hand in hand with paing on our hands. Jeff let's go of my hand and he nods at me. We fling paint every where and Jeff does his hips thrusts and can I tell you ahhhhh. It makes me want to get on me knees and- bad mind bad bad bad bad. Triple H is about you give edge the pedigree but he throws edge aside and starts to yell at us, but without a microphone we can't hear him. Edge slowly starts to get up. We start to walk a little closer to keep him distracted. Triple H keeps yelling at us to come down to the ring.

We watch as edge takes advantage to triple H being distracted and pins him down.


Here is your winner Edge

The ring announcer and Edge slides out of the ring and holds onto the barricades. Triple H is in shock and he gets up and paces around the ring screaming.

He grabs a mic " You stupid, ignorant assholes " He says and keeps pacing
" You just cost me my match, and money in the bank. This is bullshit are you kidding me" He says all pissed off. Jeff just laughs and gets handed a microphone. " Triple H, Edge could have kicked your ass without our help, I just thought Oliver and I could just be nice and help him out " Jeff says as Edge goes into the gorilla. " No, no no no, you, wanted me too lose my match. Your scared I will win money in the bank and take back my title" He says and he is pumping with anger
" Honestly I don't know why you are so mad, I mean you do the exact thing during my match. The only difference is that I don't lose. You can't stand the face that your mind games don't worry on me, but my mind games work perfectly good on you. " He says and the crowd cheers. " Then why don't you come down here to the ring and try thoes mind games. " Triple H says backing up and waving for Jeff to come in the ring. Jeff taps his WWE Championship with his fingers.

" Should I? " Jeff says and acts like he is thinking and looks around at the crowd. " Jeff why don't you and your boy toy stop wasting my time and get your asses down here " Triple H says with a smirk. Jeff stops and looks at him. " What the hell did you just call him " Jeff asks " Your little slut, ass boy toy, who I am sure has had more dicks eaten then food. I mean look at him, " Triple H says and laughs. The crowd starts chanting you just fucked up

" You know what the fans are right you did just fuck up " Jeff says and take off his championship and hands it too me. I grab it and Jeff runs down to the ring and I follow behind him closely. Jeff starts to beat the crap out of Triple H. Refs are coming down trying to separate them but they are getting thrown like flies. Triple H picks up Jeff and slams him into the mat. He grabs him and punches him straight in the jaw. Jeff looks hurt. " Come on Jeff get up please" I say but Jeff just keeps on holds his back and barely moving at all.
Triple H grabs him and sets him up for a pedigree. I grab onto the rope and pull myself in and slide into the ring. I throw the championship at Triple H. Triple H drops Jeff and looks at me with a smirk on his face. He slowly starts to walk over to me. I back up but I get stopped by the ropes. Triple H walks over and grabs me by my hair and pulls my forward. I grab his hand to try and make him let go. " You stupid little slut " He slaps me and I fall to the ground. The crowd is booing and yelling for Jeff to get up.

I hold my cheek and look up at him. He grabs me by my hair and picks me up and slams me onto the mat on my back. Fuck this shit hurts so badly. Jeff.... Is he okay. I slowly look over and I don't see Jeff. Good he got away. I look up at Triple H and when I look I see Jeff on the top rope looking furious. Triple H picks me up again but I kick him where the sun does not shine and he falls on the ground holding his balls. He lands for a perfect set up. Jeff screams and delivers a beautiful Swanton Bomb. Jeff gets out of the ring and goes under it throwing stuff out. He pulls out a table and put it in the ring. I see determination and pure rage in his eyes. I know what he is about to do. Throw him into the table. He sets up the table and picks up Triple H by his neck and lays him on top of the table. Jeff slowly goes up to the top rope again. He does his finger signs, screams and does another Swanton bomb on Triple H threw the table. Lays there for a second before slowly getting up. I quickly help him stand up and he leans on me for support. " Hand me that " Jeff says out of breath and I grab the mic and I give it to him.

" Triple H and everyone in the locker room take this as a warning. this is what happens when you fuck with the people I care about "

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