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- Oliver -

The arena fills up really quickly as the show goes closer and closer to a start. I smile to myself, I can't believe I am here. I look down at my phone and it is 6:00 it's time to start the show. I can't wait, especially if I hear Jeff Hardy music.

It's time to play the game-

Triple H music comes on and everyone boos while him and Stephanie McMahon walks out. Of course Stephanie if absolutely furious, because Jeff Hardy beat Triple H for the WWE Championship. I boo them and roll my eyes. Jeff hardy deserved that championship, he has worked hard for years to earn it. He has out in his blood, sweat and tears into this company. While Triple H just gets what he wants because he is dating Stephanie.

They walk down to the ring, Stephanie grabs a mic from some people and they both step into the ring. I can already hear a rant coming on.
" Last night with Jeff hardy was a cheat, a mistake " She says while Triple H is pacing around the ring. I was right a rant. " Jeff Hardy is a no good punk who has to cheat to get whatever he wants. He does not do anything, all he does is jump and hop around the ring. He's more like a gymnast then a wrestler " She laughs but everyone starts chanting Jeff Hardy over and over again. She was not very too happy and Triple H is over here screaming for them to all stop and show some respect.

Triple H takes the microphone from Stephanie, and continues to pace around. " I you took my championship away from me and I want it back. So get your ass down here so I can have my rematch with you Jeff. So come down here so I can kick your ass and show you what a real champion looks like " Triple H yells into the microphone. Then Jeff's music hits. A smile comes on my face as I watch him whip his hands everywhere and the glowing paint does everywhere. The crowd is cheering there heads off and honestly so am I. He can do anything and he looks amazing, especially with his paint. Tripe H looks around and his eyes hand on me and he gives me a pissed off look for some reason. Maybe I was just imagining things. I shake my head and continue to watch Jeff. Someone gives Jeff a microphone and he laughs into the mic.
" You see triple H, your just mad I kicked your ass last night. You can't handle the face you lost your championship to me " He says with a smile and points at the WWE Championship around his waist and taps it. All of us cheer again but it seems louder. Jeff gives a smile to us but looks back to the ring. " I mean if you wanted a rematch, you could always talk to your girlfriends daddy about it. I mean since that's how y'all get everything y'all want" Jeff says and you can hear Stephanie screaming.

Triple H eyes scan the crowd again and they land on me once again. Why is he staring at me, maybe I am just imagining things again. Triple H walks out of the ring. " You know, maybe we should get a opinion on this " He says and walks over to me. My eyes widen and I step back slowly. People are all around me so I can't get away " How about you little boy " Triple H says and and grabs my arm and picks me up. I squirm trying to get let free but it's no use. He is way to strong " Hey man, you are going way too far. Bring a fan into this what the hell is wrong with you " Jeff says as I get put into the ring. I look at Triple H and Stephanie who is smiling from ear to ear. " Tell me what is your name " He says and someone brings him another mic and gives it to me. " O-Oliver " I say into it. Just what in the hell is going on here.

" Well Oliver, what is your opinion on this " He says with a smile. At this point I have a zipped over jacket so he can't see what I am wearing. Oh this is going to be terrific 🙄. " Well um.. Jeff Hardy should not have to d-do a rematch against you. He won fair and square. Jeff hardy deserves this, he works hard e-everyday for this moment. He puts his soul into this company. Even if he's hurt he still gives it his all. H-He deserves that championship more then anyone else does" I say and the crowd cheers at what I said and I look at Jeff and he has a smirk on his face. Stephanie take the microphone from Triple H with a pissed off look on her face. She looks dead in my eyes
" What did you just say " I gulp.  "What type of Triple H fan are you. Going for Jeff Hardy look at him he is a loser. Who walks around wearing face paint. Hell he can barely keep his family together. What kind of person wants that as a champion? " she says and I give her a questionable look " U-Um I'm not a Triple H fan " I say and I unzip my jacket and I take it off and it shows my Jeff Hardy shirt. " Plus he's trying his best, family is not always easy but if you love then enough, y-you want to to work out. You will do anything for them. " I say into the mic looking down.
Looking back up Stephanie slowly starts walking towards me.

I slowly back up but I hit something hard. I turn around and it's Triple H chest.
" Alright alright y'all had y'all thing, now let him go back to where he was. He's a fan, he does not need to get into this. All of this is between you and me Triple H. Leave the kid out of it" Jeff says and starts walking down to the rings. Triple H grabs my shoulder and looks me dead in the eyes. " Your fucking dead " He says to where only I can hear him. He rips my jacket from my hands and throws it out of the ring. I stumle back from the impact and Triple H punches me in the face hard and I fall to the ground. I hold my cheek trying to crawl out of the ring. He kicks me in my side, and I hold it in pain. I feel another person slide into the ring and when I look up Jeff Hardy is beating the shit out of Triple H. I've never seen Jeff fight like this before. It looks almost personal. While Triple H is down he sets him up for a Swanton Bomb. Climbing to the too rope Stephanie quickly pulls him out of the ring and helps him up and the crowd is booing at Stephanie and Triple H. Jeff Hardys music plays in the back ground as they walk up the ramp and disappear into the back.

He gets off the rope and walks over to me and couches down " Hey are you alright " I hear Jeff say with concern in his voice and he helps me up slowly.
" Y-Yeah, it doesn't hurt that bad" I say and I hold onto the ropes. He helps me balance. He scans my body with his eyes for a second. "let me take you too the back and get you patched up " He says and I nod. He helps me slide under the ring slowly but when we get off he picks me up. The crowd is cheering so loudly.
" You don't have to do that, I know I'm heavy " I tell him and he looks down at me with a smile.
" Don't worry about it, i'm sorry this happened to you. They went too far with this shit, being you into this. I don't know what the hell there deal is and what they we're thinking but what I do know is that I will make there life a living hell for this " He says and his grip gets tighter around me. His face looks so pissed off. I lay my head on his shoulder area and I play with my fingers.

"Hey " I look up at him as we leave the ramp. " Did you really mean what you said up there" He asks me. I look in his eyes and I nod

" Y-Yes "

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