To: lorddavis18

274 11 15

Me: *bursts through the door* *slams the door* hey...guys!!!

Annabeth: did you run all the way here?!

Me: yes!

Piper: why?

Me: I'm being chased by crazy people!

Crazy Person 1: GIMME MY SKITTLES!!

Crazy Person 2: NOOOO!! THERE MINE!!!

Me: and there's your answer!

Frank: ok. I'll go turn into a dragon and scare them away! *turns into dragon*

Crazy People: WE WANT OUR SKITTLES! WE WANT- AHHHHHHHHH!!!! DRAGON!!!! *runs away screaming*

Frank: *turns back into human* there. That's better!

Hazel: Frank, you were sooo brave! I'm so proud of you! *kisses Frank on the cheek*💋

Frank: *blushes* umm. Thanks. *kisses back*

Frank&Hazel: *kissing*💋

Leo: OK! Enough PDA! DaughterOfArtemis_(or Pretty Girl) has something to say!

Me: thank you Leo! As I was saying earlier, we have another question! This question is from lorddavis18. Lorddavis18 wants to know: Hazel how did it feel like when Leo looked like your old friend looked like Leo
From Me
P.S. Send a satry I need out of my home child of Athena.

Hazel: at first, when Leo sent that magical letter/scroll thing and I saw his face, I freaked out. I and a little happy at the same time. Then I met him and I got used to it. He still reminds me of Sammy.

Leo: *wiggles eyebrows* so you were happy to meet me huh?;)

Frank: *glares at Leo* stay away from her Valdez!

Leo: don't worry Zhang! I won't move in on your woman! Besides, all the ladies love Leo! They can't resist this hot Bad Boy Supreme! *points to self*

Frank: *rolls eyes* whatever Valdez!

Leo: oh. And btw, you glare doesn't scare me!

Frank: *glares*

Leo: in fact, it makes me laugh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!

Frank: *still glaring*


Frank: *glares* Leo, stop it!


Frank: >:(


Me: well I better be going now before Leo dies of laughter! Don't forget to vote, fan, comment, share, follow, and add to reading list! See you later my peeps! *starts to leave* sees Franks glare* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAA!!!! *rolling on the floor laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA *takes a deep breath* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!

Ask the Argo II CrewWhere stories live. Discover now